2019 Quebec Budget Highlights
- Increase in the 2018-19 surplus predicted in December, from $1.65 billion to $2.5 billion, after the contribution to the Generations Fund
- A five per cent increase to each of education and health budgets
- $1.4 billion in new announced spending for 2018-19 and $16.1 billion in spending increases or revenue cuts through 2023-24
- Projected economic growth of 1.8 per cent in 2019 and 1.5 per cent in 2020
- Debt projected to fall below 45 per cent of gross domestic product in 2021
- A $2.5 billion contribution to the Generations Fund in 2019-20, of which $2 billion will come back out to repay debt, as announced in December
- A 17 per cent reduction overall in school property taxes, after a 16 per cent reduction in 2018-19
- A lower age of eligibility for a career extension tax credit from 61 to 60, and higher ceiling of eligible income to $10,000 for workers 60-64, plus a new small business payroll tax credit of up to $1,250 for workers 60-64 and $1,875 for workers 65 and over
- A gradual reduction in the additional contribution for child care, to be eliminated entirely in 2022 (in 2019, families with income under $78,320 will pay the base rate of $8.25 a day)
- Mandatory registration for lodging taxes for accommodations offered on digital housing sharing platforms
2019 Quebec Budget Plan
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