Let Expert Fiscaliste prepare your tax returns for you
If you have recently received a CRA Tax Review letter
It’s that time of the year again to Prepare your 2017 Tax Return and Expert Fiscaliste offers convenient, accurate, and affordable preparation of all types of tax returns. We will make sure that you get the maximum refund possible and we will provide you with year-round tax support as your Authorized Representative. For information on what is new for the 2017 tax filing season.
As your Authorized Representative we will provide you with support including communications directly with government (s) on your behalf. We will provide additional information to government(s) if requested on items claimed on your tax return as filed. We will respond to government inquiries on items in your tax returns.
Expert Fiscaliste can and will prepare and file prior-year’s adjustments requests for tax returns already filed. After the tax returns have been filed, we can do tax planning to save you tax in the future.
Three Simple Steps to our tax preparation process

Our tax experts help you get every tax refund you deserve because we know how hard you work.
Just follow (3) simple steps:
- Send your tax information to one of the following:
- Electronic information attachments via email to:will@expert-fiscaliste.net
- Dropbox/File Share/One Drive: share with or send a link to will@expert-fiscaliste.net
- Paper information via fax to: 1-877-720-7086
- Paper information via mail to: Expert Fiscaliste: 1000 de La Gauchetière Ouest, 24th Floor, Montréal QC H3B 4W5
- We will calculate your taxes
- Final review, signature, and we will EFILE for both Federal and Quebec purposes
For more information on our (3) steps click here for our PDF version.
Tax Checklist for your 2017 Tax Return to assist you obtain the information required

Tax payers can be particularly challenged and stressed in knowing what informations are required in compiling a tax return. Use our checklist to help you prepare the documents that you will need for your 2017 tax return.
For more information on our document checklist click here for our PDF version.
Tax Calendar to assist you on important Tax dates and Deadlines IN 2018

Planning for these dates is very important in avoiding inquiries from government authorities, and potential interest charges and penalties. We have provided general dates on when tax slips should arrive, when tax payments are normally required, and when tax returns normally are required to be filed. We encourage you to consult with an independent tax professional to confirm the relevant deadlines and the anticipated implications to your particular situation.
For more information on our Tax Calendar click here for our PDF version
The importanCE of your Notice of Assessment

Your latest Notice of Assessment includes (form T491) includes carry forward amounts that you can include on your 2017 tax return, such as used RRSP contributions, 2017 RRSP contribution limits, Home Buyer Plan (i.e. “HBP” ) information, unused tuition and education credits and losses carried forward.
For more information on Assessments