Changing Your Tax Return

How to change a tax return 

If you’ve filed your return and then determine that you need to make a change to your tax return, either because you have received another T-slip, or because you didn’t claim an expense and later learned it was deductible, you can request an adjustment to your tax return.

The time limit for filing most adjustments to your tax returns by mail is ten (10) years.  For a late or amended pension splitting election the time limit is three (3) year.

You can request the change for your most recent return, or your returns for the previous 9 tax years, either online or by mail.  For example in 2025, you can request a change for the 2015 or later taxation years.

Four Simple Steps to our tax adjustment process

  1. Register to The Expert Fiscaliste portal
  2. Expert Fiscaliste to become your Authorized Representative
  3. Provide us with a copy of your notice assessment, and a supporting information for the adjustment
  4. We will prepare the adjustment request, and will require your signature

About Expert Fiscaliste

Call 514-954-9031
Call 514-954-9031

Expert Fiscaliste can assist in changing-your-tax-return to maximize your tax refund when you’ve already filed. Expert Fiscaliste provides income tax preparation and consulting services to individuals and businesses.

If you want to take advantage of our services:

or visit our Contact Tax page

Call us a call at 5149549031

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Author: will

30+ year tax professional preparing individual tax returns for Canadians and non-residents of Canada.

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