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2022 Notice of Assessment

Notice of Assessment
Call 514-954-9031

Notice of Assessment (NoA) is sent to you after the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) or Revenu Quebec (RQ) has completed a assessment of your filed tax return.  This document is very important to you, and should be reviewed with your tax return filed.  You only have (90) days to file an Notice of Objection if you want to dispute a Notice of Assessment or Notice of determination.  Failure to file can limit you rights!  

Why are Notices of Assessment so important

Not only to they provide very important information that the the government has received your tax returns, they provide confirmations that they either have currently have accepted the facts of what you have filed or an explanation of changes that they have made.  If you don’t understand the change it’s the perfect reason to have a Authorized Representative to help you understand the change and you protect your rights.

Not only does the  NOA provide the summary of your tax returns it also starts the clock for first (90) days limit to file a Notice of Objection to any changes that the government has made.  Failure not to file a Notice of Objection can restrict your rights to challenge the changes made in the assessment.    Another good reason to have a Authorized Representative to file the Notice of Objection to make sure your rights are protected.  

 Your tax Notice of Assessment (NoA) may also includes carry forward amounts that you can include on your next year’s tax return, such as unused tuition and education credits and capital losses. Be sure to keep your Notice of Assessment in a safe place to refer to when your returns are prepared next year. 

It’s very common for Banks, foreign governments, and other third parties may request your Notice of Assessment as proof of residence, taxable income, and for other reasons.

For more information on Notice of Assessment visit this page Notice of Assessment – Expert Fiscaliste (

About Expert Fiscaliste

Quebec RL-31

Expert Fiscaliste provides income tax preparation and consulting services to individuals, and businesses in Canada and the US.

If you want to take advantage of our services for your Tax Returns or to be your Authorized Representative Give us a call at 514-954-9031, or visit our Contact Tax

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2023 October Tax News

Table of Contents

    CRA issues Tax Tip on reporting of cryptocurrency holdings and transactions

    October 27, 2023

    Canadians who hold “crypto-assets”, including cryptocurrency, are required to report any income or capital gains resulting from transactions involving such assets. The Canada Revenue Agency recently issued a Tax Tip for such taxpayers, outlining the record keeping and reporting obligations which must be met.

    The Tax Tip, which can be found on the CRA website at, notes that crypto-asset exchanges may stop operations without notice, leaving clients without access to transaction records. The CRA recommends that such information – including trades (buy, sell, and swap), transfers (deposits and withdrawals), staking rewards, yield earnings, wallet addresses, and any other transaction information – be downloaded regularly, so that users will have information needed for tax reporting purposes.

    Year-end planning for your RRSP, RRIF, TFSA, and FHSA

    October 11, 2023

    Most Canadians know that the deadline for making contributions to one’s registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) comes 60 days after the end of the calendar year, around the end of February. There are, however, some circumstances in which an RRSP contribution must be (or should be) made by December 31 in order to achieve the desired tax result. 

    Similarly, most Canadians who have opened a registered retirement income fund (RRIF) are aware that they are required to make a withdrawal of a specified amount from that RRIF each year, with the percentage withdrawal amount based on the RRIF holder’s age – although few are aware of when and how that required withdrawal is calculated. 

    The rules around TFSAs are more flexible, but it is nonetheless the case that advantages can be obtained (and disadvantages avoided) by carefully timing TFSA withdrawals and recontributions based on the calendar year end.

    Finally, beginning in 2023, taxpayers have an additional opportunity to save on a tax-assisted basis, through the new First Home Savings Account (FHSA). While saving through an FHSA is possible only for those who have not owned a home in the current or any of the four previous years, the FHSA offers qualifying taxpayers the opportunity to reduce taxes payable to an extent not available through other government-sanctioned tax saving or deferral programs.

    While the basic rules with respect to contributions to and withdrawals from each of these tax-assisted savings plans are relatively straightforward, there are nonetheless benefits to be obtained from careful consideration of the detailed rules – and some exceptions from those rules. What follows is an outline of steps which should be considered, before the end of the 2023 calendar year, by Canadians who have an RRSP, RRIF, TFSA, or FHSA – or maybe all four.

    Timing of RRSP contributions

    • When you are making a spousal RRSP contribution

    Under Canadian tax rules, a taxpayer can make a contribution to a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) in his or her spouse’s name and claim the deduction for the contribution on his or her own return. When the funds are withdrawn by the spouse, the amounts are taxed as the spouse’s income, at a (presumably) lower tax rate. However, the benefit of having withdrawals taxed in the hands of the spouse is available only where the withdrawal takes place no sooner than the end of the second calendar year following the year in which the contribution is made. Therefore, where a contribution to a spousal RRSP is made in December of 2023, the contributor can claim a deduction for that contribution on his or her return for 2023. The spouse can then withdraw that amount as early as January 1, 2026 and have it taxed in his or her own hands. If the contribution isn’t made until January or February of 2024, the contributor can still claim a deduction for it on the 2023 tax return, but the amount won’t be eligible to be taxed in the spouse’s hands on withdrawal until January 1, 2027. It’s an especially important consideration for couples who are approaching retirement who may plan on withdrawing funds in the relatively near future. Even where that’s not the situation, making the contribution before the end of the calendar year will ensure maximum flexibility should  an unforeseen need to withdraw funds arise.

    • When you are turning 71 during 2023

    Every Canadian who has an RRSP must collapse that plan by the end of the year in which they turn 71 years of age – usually by converting the RRSP into a registered retirement income fund (RRIF) or by purchasing an annuity. An individual who turns 71 during the year is still entitled to make a final RRSP contribution for that year, assuming that they have sufficient contribution room. However, in such cases, the 60-day window for contributions after December 31 is not available. Any RRSP contribution to be made by a person who turns 71 during the year must be made by December 31 of that year. Once that deadline has passed, no further RRSP contributions are possible.

    RRIF withdrawals for 2023

    Under Canadian law, anyone who has an RRIF is required to make a minimum withdrawal from that RRIF each year. The amount of the withdrawal is calculated as a specified percentage of the balance in the RRIF at the beginning of the calendar year, with that percentage based on the age of the RRIF holder at that time.

    Taxpayers who have no immediate need of funds held within an RRIF are often reluctant to make a withdrawal and pay the tax on those amounts, especially where the value of investments held in an RRIF has declined. While there is no way of avoiding the requirement to withdraw that minimum amount from one’s RRIF, and to pay tax on the amount withdrawn, such taxpayers can consider contributing those amounts to a tax-free savings account (TFSA). Where that is done, the funds can be invested and continue to grow, and neither the original contribution nor the investment gains will be taxable when the funds are withdrawn from the TFSA.

    Planning for TFSA withdrawals and contributions

    Each Canadian aged 18 and over can make an annual contribution to a tax-free savings account (TFSA) – the maximum contribution for 2023 is $6,500. As well, where an amount previously contributed to a TFSA is withdrawn from the plan, that withdrawn amount can be re-contributed, but not until the year following the year of withdrawal.

    Consequently, it makes sense, where a TFSA withdrawal is planned (or the need to make such a withdrawal might arise within the next few months), to make that withdrawal before the end of the calendar year. A taxpayer who withdraws funds from their TFSA on or before December 31, 2023 will have the amount which is withdrawn added to their TFSA contribution limit for 2024, which means it can be re-contributed, where finances allow, as early as January 1, 2024. If the same taxpayer waits until January of 2024 to make the withdrawal, they won’t be eligible to recontribute the funds withdrawn until 2025.

    Contributing to an FHSA

    The First Home Savings Account (FHSA) program, which became available to taxpayers beginning in 2023, offers qualifying taxpayers significant tax benefits. The FHSA program allows taxpayers who do not currently own a home (and did not own a home in any of 2019, 2020, 2021, or 2022) to contribute up to $8,000 per year to an FHSA. Each qualifying taxpayer can contribute up to a lifetime total of $40,000 to an FHSA.

    Contributions made to an FHSA are deductible from income, and investment income earned by funds inside an FHSA is not taxed as earned. Finally, where funds are withdrawn to purchase a home, both the original contributions made and investment income earned are received by the taxpayer free of tax.

    The ability to contribute up to $8,000 per year to an FHSA does not depend on the taxpayer’s income, and contributions not made in a calendar year can (subject to a maximum of $8,000 in carryforward amounts, and to the $40,000 lifetime limit) be carried forward and made in a future tax year.

    Where an individual has opened and contributed to an FHSA, he or she has up to 15 years to withdraw those funds tax-free and use them to purchase a home. However, taxpayers who have an FHSA also have the option to transfer funds from that FHSA plan to their RRSP (and vice-versa), without immediate tax consequences.

    For taxpayers who qualify, the new FHSA program offers an unparalleled degree of flexibility to save on a tax-free or tax-deferred basis. Details on the FHSA program can be found on the Canada Revenue Agency website at

    The approach of the calendar year end doesn’t usually prompt Canadians to consider the details of making contributions to an RRSP or FHSA, or withdrawals from a TFSA or an RRIF. There is, however, no flexibility in the deadlines for taking such actions, and considering what steps may be needed or advisable now means one less thing to remember as the December 31 deadline nears.

    The CPP post-retirement benefit – deciding whether to continue contributing (October 2023)

    October 11, 2023

    One or two generations ago, retirement was an event. Typically, an individual would leave the work force completely at age 65 and begin collecting Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) benefits along with, in many cases, a pension from an employer-sponsored registered pension plan.

    Transitioning into retirement is now much more of a process than an event – often a complex process involving decisions around both finances (present and future) and one’s desired way of life. It’s now the case that almost every individual’s retirement plans look a little different than anyone else’s. Some will take a traditional retirement of moving from a full-time job into not working at all, while others may stay working full-time past the traditional retirement age of 65. Still others will leave full-time employment but continue to work part-time, either out of financial need (especially over the past couple of years) or simply from a desire to stay active and engaged in the work force.

    The flexible nature of retirement plans is reflected in changes made over the past decade to Canada’s government-run retirement income programs, particularly the Canada Pension Plan. It’s possible to begin receiving CPP benefits as early as age 60 and as late as age 70, with the amount of benefit increasing with each month that receipt of benefits is deferred. Many Canadians now choose to begin receiving their CPP retirement benefits while continuing to participate in the work force, part-time or full-time.

     At one time, beginning to receive CPP retirement benefits meant that, even for those who chose to remain in the work force, no further CPP contributions were allowed. That changed in 2012 with the introduction of the CPP Post-Retirement Benefit. The availability of that benefit means that those who are aged 65 to 70 and continue to work while receiving CPP retirement benefits must decide whether or not to continue making CPP contributions. Such individuals who make the choice to continue to contribute to the Canada Pension Plan will see an increase in the amount of CPP retirement benefit they receive each month for the remainder of their lives. That increase is the CPP post-retirement benefit or PRB.

    The rules governing the PRB differ, depending on the age of the taxpayer. In a nutshell, an individual who has chosen to begin receiving the CPP retirement benefit but who continues to work will be subject to the following rules:

    • Individuals who are 60 to 65 years of age and continue to work are required to continue making CPP contributions.
    • Individuals who are 65 to 70 years of age and continue to work can choose not to make CPP contributions. To stop contributing, such an individual must fill out Form CPT30 ( A copy of that form must be given to the individual’s employer and the original sent to the Canada Revenue Agency. An individual who has more than one employer must make the same choice (to continue to contribute or to cease contributions) for all employers and must provide a copy of the CPT30 form to each employer.

      A decision to stop contributing can be changed, and contributions resumed, but only one such change can be made per calendar year. To make that change, the individual must complete section D of CRA Form CPT30, give one copy of the form to their employer(s), and send the original to the CRA.
    • Individuals who are over the age of 70 and are still working cannot contribute to the CPP.

    Overall, the effect of the rules is that CPP retirement benefit recipients who are still working and who are under aged 65, as well as those who are between 65 and 70 and choose not to opt out, will continue to make contributions to the CPP system and will continue therefore to earn new credits under that system. As a result, the amount of CPP retirement benefits to which they are entitled to will increase with each successive year’s contributions.

    Individuals who are currently considering whether to continue contributing the CPP will now have to take into consideration changes being made to CPP contribution rules beginning January 1, 2024.

    The basic structure of the CPP provides that anyone who is over the age of 18 and earns more than $3,500 per year must make CPP contributions equal to 5.95% of their income between $3,500 and a specified income ceiling. That income ceiling is known as the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings and is set at $66,600 for 2023.

    Beginning in 2024, however, there will be two levels of required CPP contributions. Individuals who have annual income of less than the YMPE (likely to be around $70,000 for 2024) will continue to make CPP contributions of 5.95% of earnings between $3,500 and $70,000.  However, those whose earnings exceed that $70,000 income ceiling must pay 4% of those additional earnings, up to a second earnings ceiling. That second earnings ceiling – to be called the Year’s Additional Maximum Pensionable Earnings, or YAMPE – is likely be around $80,000 for 2024.

    The effect of the upcoming changes is that individuals who will have income of more than around $70,000 during 2024 must pay an additional CPP contribution of 4% of their income between $70,000 and $80,000 (in addition to the 5.95% contribution to be made on income between $3,500 and $70,000). The increased contribution will, of course, be reflected in the amount of PRB the individual receives; however, each individual will have to consider how much he or she will have to pay in additional CPP contributions and whether those increased costs are justified by the amount of any increase in future benefits. It’s important to note, as well, that anyone who chooses to continue making CPP contributions will be subject to both levels of CPP contribution requirements – it is not possible to “opt out” of making second-level CPP contributions.

    Where an individual does choose to continue making CPP contributions while working and receiving CPP retirement benefits, the amount of any CPP post-retirement benefit earned will automatically be calculated by the federal government (no application is required), and the individual will be advised of any increase in their monthly CPP retirement benefit each year. The PRB will be paid to that individual automatically the year after the contributions are made, effective January 1 of that second year. Since the federal government doesn’t have all of the information needed to make such calculations until T4s and T4 summaries are filed by the employer by the end of February, the first PRB payment is usually made in a lump sum amount, in the month of April. That lump sum amount represents the PRB payable from January to April. Thereafter, the PRB is paid monthly and combined with the individual’s usual CPP retirement benefit in a single payment.

    While the rules governing the PRB can seem complex (and certainly the actuarial calculations are), the individual doesn’t have to concern themself with those technical details. For CPP retirement benefit recipients who are under age 65 or over 70, there is no decision to be made. For the former, CPP contributions will be automatically deducted from their paycheques and for the latter, no such contributions are allowed.

    Individuals in the middle group – aged 65 to 70 – will need to make a decision about whether it makes sense in their individual circumstances (and considering the possible impact of the additional contribution requirements which will take effect in 2024) to continue making contributions to the CPP.  To assist in that decision, the Canada Revenue Agency provides a very helpful online calculator which enables individuals to obtain an estimate of the amount of PRB which they will receive. That calculator is available on the CRA website at

    As well, while every situation is different, there are some general rules of thumb which will be useful in determining whether or not to continue making contributions to the CPP. Generally speaking, continuing to contribute makes the most sense for individuals whose current CPP retirement pension is significantly less than the maximum allowable benefit (which is, for 2023, $1,306.57 per month), as making such contributions will mean an increase in the individual’s CPP retirement benefit each month for the rest of their life. Conversely, for individuals who are already receiving the maximum CPP retirement benefit, or even close to it, there is likely insufficient benefit to be derived from continuing to contribute (especially for those who will be subject to the additional contribution amount requirements beginning in 2024, or who are self-employed and must therefore pay both the employer and employee contribution amounts). 

    More information on the PRB generally is available on the CRA website at

    Year-end planning for medical expense claims (October 2023)

    October 11, 2023

    While our health care system is currently struggling with a number of significant problems, Canadians are nonetheless fortunate to have a publicly funded health care system, in which most major medical expenses are covered by government health care plans. Notwithstanding, there is a large (and growing) number of medical and para-medical costs – including dental care, prescription drugs, physiotherapy, ambulance trips, and many others – which must be paid for on an out-of-pocket basis by the individual. In some cases, such costs are covered by private insurance, usually provided by an employer, but not everyone benefits from private health care coverage. Self-employed individuals, those working on contract, or those whose income comes from several part-time jobs do not usually have access to such private insurance coverage. Fortunately for those individuals, our tax system acts to help cushion the blow by providing a medical expense tax credit to help offset out-of-pocket medical and para-medical costs which must be incurred.

    The bad news for such individuals is that while a tax credit is available, the computation of eligible expenses and, in particular, determining when a claim for the credit should be made can be confusing. In addition, the determination of which expenses qualify for the credit and which do not isn’t necessarily intuitive, nor is the determination of when it’s necessary to obtain prior authorization from a medical professional in order to ensure that the planned expenditure will qualify for the credit. For instance, in order to claim the medical expense tax credit for the cost of a cane or a walker, it is necessary to obtain a prescription for that cane or walker from a medical professional. However, where costs are incurred to purchase a wheelchair, those costs are eligible for the medical expense credit, with no requirement that a prescription of any kind be obtained.

    The basic rule is that the total cost of qualifying medical expenses (a lengthy list of which can be found on the Canada Revenue Agency website at which exceed 3% of the taxpayer’s net income, or $2,635, whichever is less, can be claimed for purposes of the medical expense tax credit on the taxpayer’s return for 2023.

    Put in more practical terms, the rule for 2023 is that any taxpayer whose net income is less than $87,835 will be entitled to claim medical expenses that are greater than 3% of their net income for the year. Those having income of $87,835 or more will be limited to claiming qualifying expenses which exceed the $2,635 threshold.

    The other aspect of the medical expense tax credit which can cause some confusion is that it’s possible to claim medical expenses which were incurred prior to the current tax year but weren’t claimed on the return for the year that the expenditure was made. The actual rule is that the taxpayer can claim qualifying medical expenses incurred during any 12-month period which ends in the current tax year, meaning that each taxpayer must determine which 12-month period ending in 2023 will produce the greatest amount eligible for the credit. That determination will obviously depend on when medical expenses were incurred so there is, unfortunately, no universal rule of thumb which can be used.

    Medical expenses incurred by family members – the taxpayer, their spouse, and children who are under the age of 18 at the end of 2023, as well as certain other dependent relatives – can be added together and claimed by one member of the family. In most cases, it’s best, in order to maximize the amount claimable, to make that claim on the tax return of the lower-income spouse, where that spouse has tax payable for the year equal to at least the amount of the medical expense tax credit to be claimed.

    As the end of the calendar year approaches, it’s a good idea to add up the medical expenses which have been incurred during 2023, as well as those paid during 2022 and not claimed on the 2022 return. Once those totals are known, it will be easier to determine whether to make a claim for 2023 or to wait and claim 2023 expenses on the return for 2024. And, if the decision is to make a claim for 2023, knowing what medical expenses were paid, and when, will enable the taxpayer to determine the optimal 12-month period for that claim.

    Finally, it’s a good idea to look into the timing of medical expenses which will have to be paid early in 2024. Where those are significant expenses (for instance, a particularly costly medication which must be taken on an ongoing basis, or some expensive dental work) it may make sense, where possible, to accelerate the payment of those expenses to November or December 2023, where that means they can be included in 2023 totals and claimed on the return for this year.

    Increase in Old Age Security benefits for October to December 2023

    October 7, 2023

    The federal government has announced that amounts paid under the Old Age Security (OAS) program will increase for the fourth quarter (October to December) of 2023. The increases are based on changes to the Consumer Price Index.

    During the fourth quarter, the maximum monthly OAS payment for recipients under the age of 75 will be $707.68, while the maximum monthly payment to those age 75 and older is set at $778.45.

    Details of these and other benefits during the fourth quarter of 2023 can be found on the federal government website at

    Employment Insurance premium rates for 2024

    October 7, 2023

    The Canada Employment Insurance Commission has announced the premium rates and limits which will apply for purposes of the Employment Insurance program during the 2024 calendar year.

    For 2024, as a result of indexation, maximum insurable earnings will increase to $63,200. The premium rate will be $1.66 per $100 of insurable earnings, meaning that the maximum employee premium for the year will be $1,049.12. Maximum premiums payable by employers (who pay 1.4 times the employee rate) are set at $1,468.77 per employee for 2024.

    The announcement of the premium rates and maximum insurable earnings for 2024 can be found on the federal government website at

    About Expert Fiscaliste

    Quebec RL-31

    Expert Fiscaliste provides income tax preparation and consulting services to individuals, businesses, with real estate residential operations in Quebec.

    If you want to take advantage of our services for your Tax Returns Give us a call at 514-954-9031, or visit our Contact Tax Experts page

    2023 September Tax News

    Table of Contents

      Coming clean with the tax authorities – the Voluntary Disclosure Program (September 2023)

      September 27, 2023

      The Canadian tax system is a “self-assessing system” which relies heavily on the voluntary co-operation of taxpayers. Canadians are expected (in fact, in most cases, required) to complete and file a tax return each spring, reporting income from all sources, calculating the amount of tax owed, and remitting that amount to the federal government on or before April 30. And while it’s doubtful that anyone does so with any great degree of enthusiasm, each spring tens of millions of Canadians do sit down to complete that return (or, more often, they pay someone else to do it for them).

      Whether they do it themselves or have the return prepared for them, the rate of compliance among Canadian taxpayers is very high – between February 6 and August 27, 2023, just under 31 million individual income tax returns were filed with the Canada Revenue Agency. Inevitably, however, there are those who do not meet their filing or payment obligations.

      There are a lot of reasons why some Canadians don’t file their returns, or don’t file returns which are accurate and complete, or don’t pay their taxes on a timely basis. Sometimes, that failure to timely file is based on a lack of understanding of how our tax system works, or on incorrect information about that system. In other instances, taxpayers simply don’t have the funds needed to pay the amount of tax owing and decide (incorrectly) that if they can’t pay their tax bill, in whole or in part, the best course of action is to not file a return. Finally, each year there are some Canadians who file returns in which (inadvertently or purposefully) income amounts are underreported and/or deductions or credits to which that taxpayer is not entitled are claimed.

      While the overall percentage of taxpayers who don’t file or pay on time, or who file returns which are not accurate, isn’t high, there are a lot of such returns when measured by absolute numbers. And although each such instance of non-compliance represents lost revenue to the Canadian government, the resources needed to track down each and every instance of non-compliance simply aren’t available, especially since in many cases the amount recovered may be less than the costs which must be incurred to recover that amount.

      With all of that in mind, several years ago the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) instituted a program – the Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP) – intended to encourage non-compliant taxpayers to come forward and put their tax affairs in order. The incentive to do so arises from the fact that, in most cases, while taxpayers who participate in the VDP program have to pay outstanding tax amounts owed, plus some interest, they can avoid some other interest charges, some penalties which would normally be imposed, and the risk of criminal prosecution.

      To qualify for relief under the VDP, an application made with respect to non-compliance with income tax filing and payment obligations must:

      • be voluntary (meaning that it is done before the CRA initiates any enforcement action related to the information to be disclosed);
      • be complete;
      • involve the application or potential application of a penalty;
      • include information that is at least one year past due; and
      • include payment of the estimated tax owing.

      The VDP program includes two separate “tracks” for income tax disclosures – the Limited Program and the General Program – and the kind and extent of relief available depends on the track to which a particular application is assigned.

      While the CRA will ultimately make the determination of whether an application should proceed under the Limited or the General Program on a case-by-case basis, there are guidelines in place. The CRA’s intention is to restrict the Limited Program to instances in which applications disclose non-compliance which appears to include intentional (as distinct from inadvertent) conduct on the part of the taxpayer or a degree of carelessness which amounts to gross negligence. In making its determination of the appropriate track for a disclosure, the factors which the CRA will consider include the following:

      • the dollar amounts involved;
      • the number of years of non-compliance;
      • the sophistication of the taxpayer;
      • how quickly the taxpayer acted to correct their non-compliance after becoming aware of it;
      • whether there has been deliberate or wilful default or carelessness amounting to gross negligence on the part of the taxpayer; and
      • whether the disclosure was made after the taxpayer became aware of the CRA’s intended specific focus on that particular area of taxpayer compliance.

      Those whose applications are accepted under the Limited Program will be required to pay outstanding tax balances owed, plus interest, and will be subject to penalties. They will not, however, be subject to criminal prosecution and will be exempt from the more stringent penalties which usually apply in cases of gross negligence on the part of the taxpayer.

      Taxpayers whose conduct does not consign them to the Limited Program will instead be considered under the General Program. Under that Program, no penalties will be charged and no criminal prosecutions will take place. As well, the CRA will provide partial interest relief, specifically for the years preceding the three most recent years of non-compliance – that is, for the years preceding the three most recent years of returns required to be filed. For example, a taxpayer who makes an application to the VDP and who has failed to file returns for the 2016 through 2021 taxation years may be provided with interest relief with respect to taxes owed for the 2016, 2017, and 2018 taxation years. Such relief is generally equal to 50% of interest owed – in other words, the taxpayer will be required to pay only half of the interest charges which would otherwise be levied for those years. No interest relief will, however, be provided on tax amounts owed for the three most recent (2019, 2020, and 2021) taxation years. Since interest charges levied by the CRA are, by law, higher than current commercial rates (for instance, the rate levied for the third quarter of 2023 is 9%) and interest charged is compounded daily, having interest amounts forgiven, even in part, can make a significant difference to the overall tax bill faced by the taxpayer.

      In order to benefit from the VDP, taxpayers must first make an application to the Program. That application must include payment of the estimated taxes owing, as a condition of participation in the VDP. Where a taxpayer is financially unable to make that tax payment, he or she can request that the CRA consider a payment arrangement.

      The decision to apply to the VDP and to “come clean” about all previous tax transgressions is something that most taxpayers will likely consider with considerable trepidation. Those who are unsure about whether they want to move forward with a VDP application have the option of using the CRA’s “pre-disclosure discussion service”. As the name implies, that service allows taxpayers to participate in preliminary discussions with a CRA official, on an anonymous basis, to gain some knowledge about the VDP program, the process involved, and the potential relief available.

      Taxpayers who decided to move forward with an application to the VDP can complete a Form RC199 Voluntary Disclosures Program Application, which is available on the CRA website at Once the application is received, the CRA will check to make certain that the applicant is eligible to apply and that all of the required information and documentation and the payment have been sent. The next step is for the CRA to evaluate the application to ensure that the criteria for participation in the VDP are satisfied and, if so, to determine the program (Limited or General) to which the application should be assigned, and the taxation year(s) for which relief is being considered. At each step the taxpayer will be provided with written notice of the CRA’s decisions. The CRA’s advice is that taxpayers should contact them (for individual taxpayers, by calling the Individual Income Tax Enquiries line at 1-800-959-8281) if more than five weeks have passed since the application was submitted and no response has yet been received.

      If the decision made is that the application is not eligible for the VDP, the taxpayer will also be advised in writing, with reasons, of the CRA’s decision to deny the application.

      Where the decision made by the Agency is one with which the taxpayer does not agree, they are entitled to ask for a second review of the application. If that decision is also unfavourable, it is possible for a taxpayer to ask the Federal Court to review the decision and to direct the CRA to re-consider the VDP application. However, a taxpayer who wishes to pursue his or her application to the extent of filing such a Federal Court application is well advised to obtain legal advice before doing so.

      Finally, taxpayers should recognize that the VDP Program can’t be used as a kind of “get out of jail free card” with respect to repeated failures to meet tax filing and payment obligations. The CRA website makes it clear that the Agency expects taxpayers who have benefitted from the VDP to thereafter meet their tax obligations, and a second review will be provided for the same taxpayer only in situations where the second application relates to a different matter than the first, and where the circumstances giving rise to the second application were beyond the taxpayer’s control.

      Detailed information on the VDP program can be found on the CRA website at:

      Deciding when to start receiving Old Age Security benefits (September 2023)

      September 27, 2023

      The Old Age Security (OAS) program is the only aspect of Canada’s retirement income system which does not require a direct contribution from recipients of program benefits. Rather, the OAS program is funded through general tax revenues, and eligibility to receive OAS is based solely on Canadian residency. Anyone who is 65 years of age or older and has lived in Canada for at least 40 years after the age of 18 is eligible to receive the maximum benefit. For the third quarter of 2023 (July to September), that maximum monthly benefit for recipients under the age of 75 is $698.60, while benefit recipients aged 75 and older can receive up to $768.46 per month. The monthly benefit for all recipients will increase by 1.3% during the fourth quarter (October to December) of 2023. 

      For many years, OAS was automatically paid to eligible recipients once they reached the age of 65. For the past decade, however, Canadians who are eligible to receive OAS benefits have been able to defer receipt of those benefits for up to five years, when they turn 70 years of age. For each month that an individual Canadian defers receipt of those benefits, the amount of benefit eventually received increases by 0.6%. The longer the period of deferral, the greater the amount of monthly benefit eventually received. Where receipt of OAS benefits is deferred for a full 5 years, until age 70, the monthly benefit received is increased by 36%.

      It can, however, be difficult to determine, on an individual basis, whether and to what extent it would make sense to defer receipt of OAS benefits. Some of the difficulty in deciding whether to defer – and for how long – lies in the fact there are no hard and fast rules, and the decision is very much an individual one. Fortunately, however, there are a number of factors which each individual can consider when making that decision.

      The first such factor is how much total income will be required, at the age of 65, to finance current needs. It’s also necessary to determine what other sources of income (employment income from full- or part-time work, Canada Pension Plan retirement benefits, employer-sponsored pension plan benefits, annuity payments, and withdrawals from registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) and registered retirement income fund (RRIFs)) are available to meet those needs, both currently and in the future, and when receipt of those income amounts can or will commence or cease. Once income needs and the sources and possible timing of each is clear, it’s necessary to consider the income tax implications of the structuring and timing of those sources of income. The ultimate goal, as it is at any age, is to ensure sufficient income to finance a comfortable lifestyle while at the same time minimizing both the tax bite and the potential loss of tax credits.

      In making those calculations, the following income tax thresholds and benefit cut-off figures are a starting point.

      • Income in the first federal tax bracket is taxed at 15%, while income in the second bracket is taxed at 20.5%. For 2023, that second income tax bracket begins when taxable income reaches $53,359.
      • The Canadian tax system provides (for 2023) a non-refundable tax credit of $8,396 for taxpayers who are age 65 or older at the end of the tax year. The amount of that credit is reduced once the taxpayer’s net income for the year exceeds $42,335.
      • Individuals can receive a GST/HST refundable tax credit, which is paid quarterly. For 2023, the full credit is payable to individual taxpayers whose family net income is less than $42,335.
      • Taxpayers who receive Old Age Security benefits and have income over a specified amount are required to repay a portion of those benefits, through a mechanism known as the “OAS recovery tax”, or clawback. Taxpayers whose income for 2023 is more than $86,912 will have a portion of their future OAS benefits “clawed back”.

      What other sources of income are currently available?

      More and more, Canadians are not automatically leaving the work force at the age of 65. Those who continue to work at paid employment and whose employment income is sufficient to finance their chosen lifestyle may well prefer to defer receipt of OAS. Similarly, a taxpayer who begins receiving benefits from an employer’s pension plan when they turn 65 may be able to postpone receipt of OAS benefits.

      Is the taxpayer eligible for Canada Pension Plan retirement benefits, and at what age will those benefits commence?

      Nearly all Canadians who were employed or self-employed after the age of 18 paid into the Canada Pension Plan and are eligible to receive CPP retirement benefits. While such retirement benefits can be received as early as age 60, receipt can also be deferred and received any time up to the age of 70. As is the case with OAS benefits, CPP retirement benefits increase with each month that receipt of those benefits is deferred. Taxpayers who are eligible for both OAS and CPP will need to consider the impact of accelerating or deferring the receipt of each benefit in structuring retirement income.

      Does the taxpayer have private retirement savings through an RRSP?

      Taxpayers who were not members of an employer-sponsored pension plan during their working lives generally save for retirement through a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). While taxpayers can choose to withdraw amounts from such plans at any age, they are required to collapse their RRSPs by the end of the year in which they turn 71, and to begin receiving income from those savings. There are a number of options available for structuring that income, and, whatever the chosen option (usually, converting the RRSP into a registered retirement income fund or RRIF, or purchasing an annuity), it will mean that the taxpayer will begin receiving income amounts from those RRSP funds in the following year. Taxpayers who have significant retirement savings in RRSPs should, in determining when to begin receiving OAS benefits, consider that they will have an additional (taxable) income amount for each year after they turn 71.

      The ability to defer receipt of OAS benefits does provide Canadians with more flexibility when it comes to structuring retirement income. The price of that flexibility is increased complexity, particularly where, as is the case for most retirees, multiple sources of income and the timing and taxation of each of those income sources must be considered, and none can be considered in isolation from the others.

      Individuals who are facing that decision-making process will find some assistance on the Service Canada website. That website provides a Retirement Income Calculator, which, based on information input by the user, will calculate the amount of OAS which would be payable at different ages. The calculator will also determine, based on current RRSP savings, the monthly income amount which those RRSP funds will provide during retirement. To use the calculator, it is necessary to know the amount of Canada Pension Plan benefit which will be received; the taxpayer can obtain that information by calling Service Canada at 1-800 277-9914.

      The Retirement Income Calculator can be found at:

      Changes to Registered Education Savings Plans for the upcoming school year (September 2023)

      September 27, 2023

      By anyone’s measure, obtaining a post-secondary education is an expensive undertaking. Tuition and other school-related costs are just the start of the bills which must be paid. Whether the student obtains a place in a university residence or finds a place to live off campus, students (and their parents) must also budget for the cost of residence and meal plan fees, or rent and groceries. The total cost of a single year of university or college attendance away from home can easily reach $30,000 – and can significantly exceed that amount where the student is enrolled in a specialized academic program leading to a professional designation.

      Adding to the financial hit, government support for post-secondary education through our tax system has been cut back in recent years. While students can still claim a tax credit for the cost of tuition, two other related tax credits – the education tax credit and the textbook tax credit – were eliminated by both the federal government and several of the provinces in recent years.

      While there are still government-sponsored loan and grant programs which post-secondary students can access, the reality is that most families will shoulder the main financial burden of post-secondary education for their children. And many families do so through a Registered Education Savings Plan, or RESP.

      An RESP enables parents (or grandparents) to save for a child or grandchild’s post-secondary education on a tax-assisted basis. While parents or grandparents who contribute to an RESP cannot deduct contributions made from income, investment income earned by those contributed funds is not taxed as it is earned. And, where RESP contributions start early, those funds can compound, through untaxed investment earnings, for more than a decade.

      The other significant tax benefit of an RESP comes into play when the beneficiary, now a student enrolled in post-secondary education, withdraws funds to pay for his or her education. All such qualifying withdrawals made, whether of original contributions or investment income earned, are taxed in the hands of the student beneficiary. And, because most students have little or no income, it’s often the case that no tax is payable on amounts withdrawn.

      A change announced in the 2023-24 federal budget will enhance the available tax savings. The amount which a student can withdraw from an RESP is subject to limits and, as noted in the budget, those limits have not changed in 25 years, clearly not keeping pace with increases in either the cost of living or the cost of post-secondary education.

      To address that gap, the amount which a student can withdraw from an RESP has been increased, effective as of the budget date of March 28, 2023. Those changes are as follows:

      • Students who are enrolled full-time (defined as a program lasting at least three weeks and requiring at least 10 hours per week of courses or other program work) can now withdraw up to $8,000 in respect of the first 13 consecutive weeks of enrollment in a 12-month period. (The previous limit was $5,000.)
      • Students who are enrolled part-time (defined as a program lasting at least three consecutive weeks and requiring at least 12 hours per month of courses in the program) can now withdraw up to $4,000 per 13-week period. (The previous limit was $2,500.)

      The tax impact of the change can mean that a post-secondary student who lives at home during the summer, is able to find full-time employment at minimum wage during that time, and who withdraws the full $8,000 from his or her RESP, could cover about half the costs to be incurred for the upcoming school year out of income on which no federal tax is payable.

      Assume that such a student is paid $15.00 per hour, working 35 hours a week for the 16 weeks between academic years. That work will generate $8,400 in income. The RESP withdrawal of $8,000 will bring the student’s total income for the year to $16,400. For federal tax purposes, every taxpayer can earn up to $13,521 (for 2023) in annual income before any federal tax is payable. The student can, as well, claim a federal tax credit for tuition amounts paid, which will eliminate federal tax on the remaining $2,879 of income.

      Despite the best efforts of students and their parents to save for post-secondary education and to offset the costs of that education through summer jobs, the reality is that most post-secondary students do have to borrow money at some point during their post-secondary education years. The lowest-cost source of such borrowing is government student loan programs, and changes which take effect as of the 2023-24 academic year have also been made with respect to such borrowings.

      All Canada Student Loan (CSL) borrowings are subject to a weekly limit and where a student borrows funds through the CSL program, no repayment of those borrowings is required until six months after the student graduates. As announced in this year’s federal budget, and effective as of August 1, 2023, the limit on borrowings through the Canada Student Loan program was increased from $210 to $300 per week of study. Finally, effective as of April 1, 2023, all loans received through the CSL program are interest free.

      More information on the budgetary changes to the Canada Student Loan program and on changes to the rules governing Registered Education Savings Plans can be found on the federal government website at and at

      Repayment deadline extended for small business pandemic loans

      September 23, 2023

      During the pandemic, the federal government provided the small business sector with financial assistance through the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) program. That program provided eligible small businesses with loans of up to $60,000.

      Program terms provided that where such loans were repaid by December 31, 2023, up to 33% of loan amounts could be forgiven. The federal government recently announced that such repayment deadline would be extended by a few weeks, and that the new deadline will be January 18, 2024. As of January 19, 2024, outstanding loans will convert to three-year term loans, subject to interest of five per cent per annum, with the term loan repayment date extended by an additional year from December 31, 2025 to December 31, 2026.

      Details of the repayment requirements and new deadlines are outlined in the federal government announcement of the extension, which can be found at

      Third individual instalment payment of 2023 due September 15

      September 9, 2023

      Individual Canadian taxpayers who pay federal income tax by instalments make those instalment payments of tax four times each year, by specified deadlines.

      The third income tax instalment deadline for the 2023 tax year falls on Friday, September 15. Information on the instalment payment program, available options with respect to determining the amount of instalment payment to be made, and methods for making an instalment payment can be found on the Canada Revenue Agency website at

      Increase in withdrawal limits for Registered Education Savings Plans

      September 1, 2023

      Canadian parents can save for their children’s post-secondary education on a tax-assisted basis, through the federal Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) program, which allows parents to contribute up to $50,000 per child beneficiary to an RESP. Once the beneficiary of an RESP enrols in post-secondary education, he or she can withdraw amounts from the plan, and such withdrawals are taxed in the hands of the student beneficiary. Since many students have little or no other income, they can usually withdraw the money tax-free.

      In this year’s budget, the federal government announced that the amount which a beneficiary can withdraw from his or her RESP once enrolled in post-secondary education would be increased. Effective as of March 28, 2023, that amount is increased to $8,000 (from $5,000) for full-time students and to $4,000 (from $2,500) for part-time students.

      Detailed information on RESPs can be found on the Canada Revenue Agency website at, and the budget announcement of the increased withdrawal limits is available on the Finance Canada site at Chapter 1: Making Life More Affordable and Supporting the Middle Class | Budget 2023 (

      About Expert Fiscaliste

      Quebec RL-31

      Expert Fiscaliste provides income tax preparation and consulting services to individuals, businesses, with real estate residential operations in Quebec.

      If you want to take advantage of our services for your Tax Returns Give us a call at 514-954-9031, or visit our Contact Tax Experts page

      2023 August tax news

      Table of Contents

        Upcoming changes to electronic filing requirements for businesses

        August 26, 2023

        For several years, businesses which file more than 50 information returns (slips and summaries) have been required to file those returns by electronic means, rather than paper filing. Effective as of January 1, 2024, that requirement to file electronically will apply whenever more than five such information returns are filed by a business. Penalties will apply where returns to which the electronic filing requirement applies (which include the T4 payroll return (renumeration paid), T5 (investment income), T3 (trust income) and T4A (pension and other income return)) are not filed by electronic means.

        The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has issued a Tax Tip providing details of the upcoming changes. That Tax Tip, which includes information on how to file electronically, can be found on the CRA website at

        When the taxman has a few questions about your return (August 2023)

        August 18, 2023

        By mid to late summer, almost every Canadian has filed his or her income tax return for the previous year and has received the Notice of Assessment issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) with respect to that tax filing. Most taxpayers, therefore, would consider that their annual filing and payment obligations are done and behind them for another year.

        It can, therefore, be a little surprising to receive a communication from the CRA at this time of year, and more than a little unsettling to find out that the Agency has some further questions about the tax return that the taxpayer thought was already completed. Notwithstanding, that’s an experience that millions of taxpayers will have over the next few weeks and months.

        Between February 6 and July 23 of this year, the CRA received and processed almost 31 million individual income tax returns filed for the 2022 tax year and issued a Notice of Assessment in respect of each one of those returns. The sheer volume of returns and the processing turnaround timelines mean that the CRA does not (and could not possibly) do a manual review of the information provided in a return prior to issuing the Notice of Assessment. Rather, all returns are scanned by the Agency’s computer system and a Notice of Assessment is then issued.

        In addition, the CRA has, for many years, been encouraging taxpayers to fulfill their filing obligations online, through one of the Agency’s electronic filing services. This year, just over 28 million (or 92.6%) of individual returns for 2022 were filed by electronic means. While e-filing means that the turnaround for processing of returns is much quicker, there is, by definition, no paper involved. The Canadian tax system has always been what is termed a “self-assessing” system, in which taxpayers report income earned and claim deductions and credits to which they believe they are entitled. Prior to the advent of e-filing there were means by which the CRA could easily verify claims made by taxpayers. Where returns were paper-filed, taxpayers were usually required to include receipts or other documentation to prove their claims, whatever those claims were for. For the nearly 93% of returns which were filed this year by electronic means, no such paper trail exists. Consequently, the potential exists for misrepresentation of such claims (or simple reporting errors) on a large scale.

        The CRA’s response to that risk is to conduct a wide range of review programs, some of them carried out before a Notice of Assessment is issued for the taxpayer’s return, and others after that Notice of Assessment has been issued and sent to the taxpayer. Regardless of the timing, in all cases the purpose of the review is to obtain from the taxpayer the information or documentation needed to support claims for deductions or credits made by the taxpayer on the return. The CRA also administers a Matching Program, in which information reported on the taxpayer’s return (both income and deductions) is compared to information provided to the CRA by third-party sources (like T4s filed by employers or T5s filed by banks or other financial institutions).

        Being selected for review under either program means, for the individual taxpayer, the possibility of receiving unexpected correspondence, or a telephone call, from the CRA. Receiving such correspondence or such a call from the tax authorities is almost guaranteed to unsettle the recipient taxpayer, who may immediately conclude that he or she has done something very wrong and is facing a big tax bill. However, in the vast majority of cases, the contact is just a routine part of the Agency’s processing review mandate.

        Where the initial contact from the CRA to the taxpayer is done by telephone, it’s important that the taxpayer verify the identity of the person claiming to be a representative of the Agency. As virtually everyone knows by now, fraudulent or “scam” calls purporting to be from the CRA have become commonplace. To assist taxpayers in confirming that any telephone contact received is a legitimate one, the CRA has provided information on how to respond to such a call, and that information can be found on the CRA website at

        A taxpayer whose return is selected as part of a processing review program will be asked to provide verification or proof of deductions or credits claimed on the return – usually by way of receipts or similar documentation. Or, where figures which appear on an information slip – for instance, the amount of employment income earned – don’t match up with the amount of employment income reported by the taxpayer, he or she will be contacted to provide an explanation of the discrepancy.

        Of course, most taxpayers are not concerned so much with the kind of program or programs under which they are contacted as they are with why their return was singled out for review or follow-up. Many taxpayers assume that it’s because there is something wrong on their return, or that the letter is the start of a tax audit process, but that’s not necessarily the case. Returns are selected by the CRA for pre- or post-assessment review for a number of reasons. Canada’s tax laws are complex and, over the years, there are areas in which the CRA has determined that taxpayers are more likely to make errors on their return. Consequently, a return which includes claims in those areas (like dependant tax credit claims, claims for medical expenses, moving expenses, or tuition tax credits) may have an increased chance of being reviewed. Where there are deductions or credits claimed by the taxpayer which are significantly different or greater than those claimed in previous returns that may attract the CRA’s attention. And, if the taxpayer’s return has been reviewed in previous years and, especially, if an adjustment was made following that review, subsequent reviews may be more likely. Finally, many returns are picked for the processing review programs simply on the basis of random selection.  

        Regardless of the reason for the follow-up, the process is the same. Taxpayers whose returns are selected for review will be contacted by the CRA, usually by letter, identifying the deduction or credit for which the CRA wants documentation or the income or deduction amount about which a discrepancy seems to exist. The taxpayer will be given a reasonable period of time – usually a few weeks from the date of the letter – in which to respond to the CRA’s request. That response should be in writing, attaching, if needed, the receipts or other documentation which the CRA has requested. All correspondence from the CRA under its review programs will include a reference number, which is usually found in the top right-hand corner of the CRA’s letter. That number is the means by which the CRA tracks the particular inquiry, and should be included in the response sent to the Agency. It’s important to remember, as well, that it’s the taxpayer’s responsibility to provide proof, where requested, of any claims made on a return. Where a taxpayer does not respond to a CRA request or does not provide such proof, the Agency will proceed on the basis that the requested verification or proof does not exist and will assess or reassess accordingly.

        Taxpayers who have registered for the CRA’s online tax program My Account (or whose representative is similarly registered for the Agency’s Represent a Client online service) can usually submit required documentation electronically. More information on how to do so can be found on the CRA website at Submitting documents online – Pre-assessment Review, Processing Review and Request Verification Programs –

        Whatever the reason a particular return was selected for post-assessment review by the CRA, one thing is certain. A prompt response to the CRA’s enquiry, providing the Agency with the information or documentation requested, will, in the vast majority of cases, bring the matter to a speedy conclusion, to the satisfaction of both the Agency and the taxpayer. The CRA website also includes more detailed information on the return review process, which is available at

        Making the most of the new First Home Savings Account (August 2023)

        August 18, 2023

        The scarcity of affordable housing in just about every Canadian community can’t be news to anyone anymore. Whether it’s in relation to rental housing or the purchase of a first home, the opportunity to secure affordable, long-term housing has become more and more elusive, especially for younger Canadians.

        In early 2022, as part of its 2022-23 budget, the federal government announced the creation of a new tax measure intended to assist Canadians in their efforts to purchase a first home. And while that new program – the First Home Savings Account (FHSA) – isn’t a solution for all of the difficulties faced by those seeking to purchase that first home, it can provide some significant financial assistance in that effort. As the name implies, the FHSA allows first time home buyers (starting in 2023) to save on a tax-assisted basis (within prescribed limits) toward such a purchase.

        Contributing to an FHSA

        Under the program terms, any resident of Canada who is at least 18 years of age (but under the age of 71 at the end of the current year) and who has not lived in a home which he or she owns in any of the current or four previous calendar years can open an FHSA and contribute to that plan annually. Planholders can contribute up to $8,000 per year to their plan, regardless of their income. The $8,000 per year contribution must be made by the end of the calendar year, but planholders will be permitted to carry forward unused portions of their annual contribution limit, to a maximum of $8,000. For example, an individual who contributes $6,000 to an FHSA in 2023 would be allowed to contribute $10,000 in 2024 (representing $8,000 in contributions for 2024 plus $2,000 in remaining contributions from 2023). Regardless of the schedule on which contributions are made, there is a lifetime limit of $40,000 in contributions for each individual.

        The real benefit of the FHSA program lies in the tax treatment of contributions and income earned by those contributions. Individuals who contribute any amount in a year can deduct that amount from income, in the same manner as a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) contribution. And while funds are held within the FHSA, they can be held in cash, or can be invested in a broad range of investment vehicles. Specifically, such funds can be invested in mutual funds, publicly traded securities, government and corporate bonds, and guaranteed investment certificates (GICs). Regardless of the investment vehicle chosen, interest, dividends, or any other type of investment income earned by those funds grows on a tax-free basis – that is, such investment income is not taxed as it is earned. 

        Most significantly, when the planholder withdraws funds from the FHSA to purchase a first home, those withdrawal amounts – representing both original contributions and investment income earned by those contributions – are not taxed.

        In sum, contributions made to an FHSA are deductible from income, investment income earned on those funds is not taxed as it is earned, and, where either original contributions made or investment income earned is withdrawn from an FHSA to purchase a first home, no tax is payable on such withdrawn amounts. For the taxpayer, it’s a win-win-win.

        Withdrawing funds from an FHSA

        Given the generous tax treatment accorded contributions to an FHSA, there are inevitably some qualifications and restrictions placed on the use of the plans. First, amounts withdrawn from an FHSA can be received tax-free only if such withdrawals are “qualifying withdrawals”, meaning that the funds are used to make a qualifying home purchase. In order for a withdrawal to be a “qualifying withdrawal”, the planholder must have a written agreement to buy or build a home located in Canada. That home must be acquired, or construction of the home must be completed, before October 1 of the next year. In addition, the planholder must intend to occupy that home within a year after buying or building it.

        Amounts withdrawn from an FHSA and used for any other purpose are not qualifying withdrawals and the funds withdrawn are fully taxable in the year the withdrawal is made.

        While Canadians who open an FHSA and make contributions to it are certainly hoping to be able to purchase a home, there are any number of reasons why their plans could change. Fortunately, the rules governing FHSAs provide planholders with a great deal of flexibility when it comes to the disposition of funds saved within an FHSA, in that  planholders can transfer all funds held within their FHSA to an RRSP or to a registered retirement income fund (RRIF) on a tax-free basis. Significantly, the amount which is transferred from an FHSA to an RRSP would not reduce or be limited by the individual’s RRSP contribution room. However, transfers made to an RRSP in these circumstances do not replenish FHSA contribution room – in other words, each eligible individual gets only one opportunity to save for the purchase of a first home using an FHSA. And, of course, any amounts transferred from an FHSA to an RRSP or RRIF will be taxable on withdrawal from those plans, in the same way as any other RRSP or RRIF withdrawal.

        The ability to transfer funds between plans can also work in the other direction. Individuals who have managed to accumulate funds within an RRSP will be allowed to transfer such funds to an FHSA (subject to the $8,000 annual and $40,000 lifetime contribution limits). While no deduction is permitted for funds transferred from an RRSP to an FHSA, that transfer does take place on a tax-free basis. Transfers made to an RRSP in these circumstances do not, however, replenish RRSP contribution room.

        Older taxpayers who open an FHSA should be aware that it is not possible to transfer funds from an RRIF to an FHSA.

        Closing an FHSA

        Individuals who open an FHSA have 15 years from the date the plan is opened to use the funds for a qualifying home purchase. (Taxpayers must also close their FHSA by the end of the year in which they turn 71.)  While these rules do place some pressure on planholders with respect to the timing of their home purchase, there is some flexibility. Specifically, planholders who have not made a qualifying home purchase within the required 15-year time frame (or by the end of the year in which they turn 71) must then close the FHSA plan, but can still transfer funds held in the FHSA to their RRSP or RRIF, on a tax-free basis.

        The FHSA is a significant new tax planning tool, and Canadians who are in a position to take advantage of its terms should certainly consider doing so. The federal government has posted information on the FHSA program on its website, and that information is available at

        Tax breaks for the upcoming post-secondary school year (August 2023)

        August 18, 2023

        While the way in which post-secondary learning is delivered may have changed and changed again over the past three and a half years, as the pandemic waxed and waned and finally ended, the financial realities of post-secondary education have not. Regardless of how post-secondary learning is structured and delivered, it is expensive. There will be tuition bills, of course, but also the need to find housing and pay rent in what is, in most college or university locations, a very tight and very expensive rental market. Those who choose to live in residence and are able to secure a place will also face bills for accommodation and, usually, a meal plan. Fortunately for students (and their parents), there are tax credits and benefits which can be claimed to offset such costs: the credits and benefits which can be claimed by post-secondary students (or their spouses, parents, or grandparents) in relation to the 2023-24 academic year are summarized below.

        Tuition fees

        A federal tax credit continues to be available for the single largest cost associated with post-secondary education – the cost of tuition. Any student who incurs more than $100 in tuition costs at an eligible post-secondary institution (which would include most Canadian universities and colleges) can still claim a non-refundable federal tax credit of 15% of such tuition costs. Many of the provinces and territories (excepting Alberta, Ontario, and Saskatchewan) also provide students with an equivalent provincial or territorial credit, with the rate of such credit differing by jurisdiction.The charges imposed on post-secondary students under the heading of “tuition” include a myriad of costs which may differ, depending on the particular program or institution, and not all of those costs will qualify as “tuition” for purposes of the tuition tax credit. The following specific amounts do, however, constitute eligible tuition fees for purposes of the tuition tax credit:

        • Admission fees; Charges for use of library or laboratory facilities; Exemption fees; Examination fees (including re-reading charges) that are integral to a program of    study; Application fees (but only if the student subsequently enrolls in the institution);Confirmation fees; Charges for a certificate, diploma, or degree; Membership or seminar fees that are specifically related to an academic program and its administration; Mandatory computer service fees; and Academic fees.

        The following charges, however, do not constitute tuition fees for purposes of the credit:

        • Extracurricular student social activities; Medical expenses; Transportation and parking; Board and lodging; Goods of enduring value that are to be retained by students (such as a microscope, uniform, gown, or computer);Initiation fees or entrance fees to professional organizations including examination fees or other fees (such as evaluation fees) that are not integral to a program of study at an eligible educational institution; Administrative penalties incurred when a student withdraws from a program or an institution; The cost of books (other than books, compact disks, or similar material included in the cost of a correspondence course when the student is enrolled in such a course given by an eligible educational institution in Canada);Courses taken for purposes of academic upgrading to allow entry into a university or college program. These courses would usually not qualify for the tuition tax credit as they are not considered to be at the post-secondary school level.

        Certain ancillary fees and charges, such as health services fees and athletic fees, may also be eligible tuition fees. However, such fees and charges are limited to $250 unless the fees are required to be paid by all full-time students or by all part-time students. At both the federal and provincial levels, the credit acts to reduce tax otherwise payable. Where, as is often the case, a student doesn’t have tax payable for the year because his or her income isn’t high enough, credits earned can be carried forward and claimed by the student in any future tax year or transferred (within limits) in the current year to be claimed by a spouse, parent, or grandparent.

        Rent, food, and other personal and living expenses

        Unfortunately, although housing and food costs will take up a big portion of each student’s budget, there is not (and never has been) a tax deduction or credit which is claimable for such costs. In all cases, living costs incurred by a post-secondary student (whether on campus or off) are characterized as personal and living expenses, for which no tax deduction or credit is allowed.

        Student debt

        Most post-secondary students in Canada must incur some amount of debt in order to complete their education, and repayment of that debt is typically not required until after graduation. Once repayment starts, a 15% federal tax credit can be claimed for the amount of interest being paid on such debt, in some circumstances. Students who are still in school and arranging for loans to finance their education should be mindful of the rules which govern that student loan interest tax credit, since decisions made while still in school with respect to how post-secondary education will be financed can have tax repercussions down the road, after graduation. That’s because while interest paid on a qualifying student loan is eligible for the credit, only some types of student borrowing will qualify for that credit. Specifically, only interest paid on government-sponsored (federal or provincial) student loans will be eligible for the credit. Interest paid on loans of any kind from any financial institution will not.It’s not uncommon (especially for students in professional programs, like law or medicine) to be offered lines of credit by a financial institution, often at advantageous or preferential interest rates. As well, financial institutions sometimes offer, once a student has graduated and begun to repay a government-sponsored student loan, to consolidate that student loan with other kinds of debt, also at advantageous interest rates. However, it should be kept in mind that interest paid on that line of credit (or any other kind of borrowing from a financial institution to finance education costs) will never be eligible for the student loan interest tax credit. As explained in the Canada Revenue Agency publication on the subject: “ [I]f you renegotiated your student loan with a bank or another financial institution, or included it in an arrangement to consolidate your loans, you cannot claim this interest amount”. In other words, where a government student loan is combined with other debt and consolidated into a borrowing of any kind from a financial institution, the interest on that government student loan is no longer eligible for the student loan interest tax credit. Students who are contemplating borrowing from a financial institution rather than getting a government student loan (or considering a consolidation loan which incorporates that student loan amount) must remember, in evaluating the benefit of any preferential interest rate offered by a financial institution, to take into account the loss of the student loan interest tax credit on that borrowing in future years.

        Other credits and deductions

        While the available student-specific deductions and credits are more limited than they were in previous taxation years, there are nonetheless a number of credits and deductions which, while not specifically education-related, are frequently claimed by post-secondary student (for instance, deductions for moving costs). The Canada Revenue Agency publishes a very useful guide which summarizes most of the rules around income and deductions which may apply to post-secondary students. The current version of that guide, entitled Students and Income Tax, is available on the CRA website at That guide was last revised in January of 2023 and the references in it are to the 2022 taxation year. It is, however, safe to assume that the same rules will apply for 2023.

        Updated publication issued for GST/HST tax credit for 2023-24

        August 12, 2023

        The federal government provides a refundable tax credit to lower and middle-income  Canadians, to help offset the impact of the goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST). That credit is paid directly to eligible taxpayers four times each year, in July, October, January, and April.

        The current benefit year for the GST/HST credit runs from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) recently updated and re-issued its publication on the credit, to include information on current year amounts and income thresholds. That publication (RC4210) is available on the CRA website at RC4210 GST/HST Credit –

        Prescribed interest rate for leasing for September 2023

        August 4, 2023

        The prescribed leasing interest rate mandated by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) must be calculated using bond yield information found on the Bank of Canada website. That calculation shows that the prescribed interest rate for leasing for the month of September 2023 is 4.34%.

        The CRA’s instructions on how to calculate the prescribed interest rate for leasing, which includes a link to the necessary bond yield information, can be found at How to calculate Prescribed Interest Rates for Leasing Rules –

        About Expert Fiscaliste

        Quebec RL-31

        Expert Fiscaliste provides income tax preparation and consulting services to individuals, businesses, with real estate residential operations in Quebec.

        If you want to take advantage of our services for your Tax Returns Give us a call at 514-954-9031, or visit our Contact Tax Experts page.

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        2023 July Tax News

        Table of Contents

          CRA issues updated information on tax collection policies

          July 29, 2023

          During the pandemic, relieving changes were made to the policies and practices of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) with respect to the collection of tax amounts owed by Canadians. In the past several months, the CRA has resumed its work to address taxpayer debt, meaning that benefit and credit payments and tax refunds may once again be applied by the CRA to pay down outstanding balances owed by a taxpayer.

          The CRA recently updated and re-issued its Information Circular IC98-1R8, which outlines its current policies and practices on the collection of tax debts from Canadians. That updated Circular can be found on the CRA website at IC98-1R8 Tax Collections Policies – More information on the CRA’s collection policies (including the availability of payment arrangements) can be found on the CRA website at When you owe money – collections at the CRA –

          Updated guide issued for Canada Child Benefit program for 2023-24

          July 29, 2023

          Through its Canada Child Benefit program, the federal government provides a non-taxable monthly benefit to parents of children under the age of 18. Benefit amounts are adjusted at the start of each benefit year: the current benefit year for the program runs from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.

          The Canada Revenue Agency has issued an updated publication outlining the terms of the program (including benefit amounts payable) for the current (2023-24) benefit year. That updated publication can be found on the Agency website at T4114 Canada Child Benefit and related provincial and territorial programs –

          How to respond to a first Instalment Reminder from the Canada Revenue Agency (July 2023)

          July 19, 2023

          By the time summer arrives, nearly all Canadians have filed their income tax returns for the previous year, have received a Notice of Assessment from the tax authorities with respect to that return and have either spent their tax refund or, more grudgingly, paid any balance of tax owing.

          It’s a surprise, therefore, when unexpected mail arrives from the Canada Revenue Agency (usually in mid- to late July), and the information in that mail will likely be both unfamiliar and unwelcome. Specifically, the enclosed Instalment Reminder form will advise the recipient that, in the view of the CRA, he or she should make instalment payments of income tax on September 15 and December 15 of 2023 – and will helpfully identify the amounts which should be paid on each date.

          No one particularly likes receiving unexpected mail from the tax authorities, and correspondence which suggests that the recipient should be making payments of income tax for 2023 to the CRA during the year (instead of when he or she files the return for 2023 in April 2024) is likely to be both perplexing and somewhat alarming. It’s fair to say that most Canadians aren’t familiar with the payment of income tax by instalments, and are therefore at a loss to know how to proceed the first time they receive an Instalment Reminder.

          The reason that the instalment payment system is unfamiliar to most Canadians is that most of us pay income taxes during our working lives through a different system. Every Canadian employee has tax automatically deducted from his or her paycheque (“at source”), before that paycheque is issued, and that tax is remitted by the employer to the CRA on the employee’s behalf. Such deductions and remittances accrue to the employee’s benefit, and they are credited with those remittances when filing the annual tax return for that year. It’s an efficient system, but it’s also one which is largely invisible to the employee, and certainly one which operates without the need for the employee to take any steps on his or her own.

          Where an individual is no longer an employee – for instance, he or she starts a business and becomes self-employed, or retires and begins to receive retirement income from various government and non-government sources – such deductions and remittances are no longer automatically made. However, Canadian tax rules provide that, where the amount of tax owed when a return is filed by the taxpayer is more than $3,000 ($1,800 for Québec residents) in the current (2023) year and either of the two previous (2021 and 2022) years, that taxpayer may be subject to the requirement to pay income tax by instalments.

          The reason that first Instalment Reminders are issued in August has to do with the schedule on which Canadians file their tax returns. The amount of tax payable on filing for the immediately preceding year can’t be known until the tax return for that year has been filed and assessed, and the tax return filing deadline for individuals is April 30 (or June 15 for self-employed taxpayers and their spouses). Consequently, by the end of July, the CRA will have the information needed to determine whether a particular taxpayer should receive a first Instalment Reminder for the current year

          Taxpayers who receive that first Instalment Reminder in July may also be puzzled by the fact that it is a “Reminder” and not a “Requirement” to pay. The reason for that is that those who receive it are not actually required by law to make instalment payments of tax. There are, in fact, three options open to the taxpayer who receives an Instalment Reminder.

          First, the taxpayer can pay the amounts specified on the Reminder, by the respective due dates of September 15 and December 15. A taxpayer who does so can be certain that he or she will not have to pay any interest or penalty charges even if he or she does have to pay an additional amount on filing in the spring of 2024. If the instalments paid turn out to be more than the taxpayer’s tax liability for 2023, he or she will of course receive a refund on filing.

          Second, the taxpayer can make instalment payments based on the total amount of tax which was owed and paid for the 2022 tax year (including any balance that was owed on filing). If a taxpayer’s income has not changed between 2022 and 2023 and his or her available deductions and credits remain the same, the likelihood is that total tax liability for 2023 will be slightly less than it was in 2022, owing to the indexation of tax brackets and tax credit amounts.

          Third, the taxpayer can estimate the amount of tax which he or she will actually owe for 2023 and can pay instalments based on that estimate. Where a taxpayer’s income has dropped from 2022 to 2023 and there will consequently be a reduction in tax payable, this option may be worth considering. Taxpayers who wish to pursue this approach can obtain the information needed to estimate current-year taxes (federal and provincial tax brackets and rates) on the Canada Revenue Agency website at

          All of this may seem like a lot of research and calculation effort, especially when one considers that many Canadians don’t even prepare their own tax returns. And those who don’t want to be bothered with the intricacies of tax calculations can pay the amounts set out in the Instalment Reminder, secure in the knowledge that they will not incur any penalty or interest charges and that, should those amounts ultimately represent an overpayment of taxes, that overpayment will be recovered and refunded when the return for 2023 is filed next spring.

          Once they have resigned themselves to the realities of the tax instalment system, the next question that most taxpayers have is how such payments can be made. The options open to taxpayers in that regard are helpfully outlined on the Canada Revenue Agency website at

          Making the RRSP decision when you turn 71 (July 2023)

          July 19, 2023

          The age at which Canadians retire and begin deriving income from government and private pensions and private retirement savings has become something of a moving target. At one time, reaching one’s 65th birthday marked the transition from working life to full retirement, and, usually, receipt of a monthly employee pension, along with government-sponsored retirement benefits. That is no longer the unvarying reality. The age at which Canadians retire can now span a decade or more, and retirement is more likely to be a gradual transition than a single event.

          Today, Canadians can choose to begin receiving benefits from government-sponsored retirement benefit programs between the ages of 60 and 70. Canada Pension Plan retirement benefits can begin as early as age 60, and taxpayers can start collecting Old Age Security benefits at age 65. Receipt of income from either of those government sponsored retirement income plans can also be deferred until the age of 70.

          There is, however, one retirement income “deadline” which is not flexible and must be adhered to by every Canadian who has saved for retirement through a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). All holders of such plans are required to close out their RRSP by the end of the calendar year in which they turn 71 years of age – no exceptions and no extensions. The decision which must be made on how to do so is a very big one, as the course of action chosen will affect the individual’s income for the remainder of his or her life.

          While the actual decision is a complex one, the options available to a taxpayer who must collapse an RRSP are actually quite few in number – three, to be precise. They are as follows:

          • collapse the RRSP and include all of the proceeds in income for that year;
          • collapse the RRSP and transfer all proceeds to a registered retirement income fund (RRIF); and/or
          • collapse the RRSP and purchase an annuity with the proceeds.

          It’s not hard to see that the first option doesn’t have much to recommend it. Collapsing an RRSP without transferring the balance to an RRIF or purchasing an annuity means that every dollar in the RRSP will be treated as taxable income for that year. In some cases, where a substantial six-figure amount has been saved in the RRSP, that can mean losing nearly half of the RRSP proceeds to income tax. And, while any balance of proceeds left can then be invested, tax will be payable on all investment income earned.

          As a practical matter, then, the choices come down to two: an RRIF or an annuity. And, as is the case with most tax and financial planning decisions, the best choice will be driven by one’s personal financial and family circumstances, risk tolerance, cost of living, and the availability of other sources of income to meet such living costs.

          The annuity route has the great advantages of simplicity and reliability. In exchange for a lump sum amount paid by the taxpayer, the issuer of that annuity agrees to pay the taxpayer a specific sum of money, usually once a month, for the remainder of his or her life. Annuities can also provide a guarantee period, in which the annuity payments continue for a specified time period (five years, 10 years), even if the taxpayer dies during that time. The amount of monthly income which can be received depends, of course, on the amount paid in, but also on the gender and, especially, the age of the taxpayer.

          The other factor influencing the amount of income which can be received from an annuity is current interest rates. For many years, interest rates have been so low that an annuity purchase had very little to recommend it. Over the past 14 months, however, the Bank of Canada has raised interest rates several times, and annuity payment rates have risen as a result. Currently, annuity rates for each $100,000 paid to the annuity issuer by a taxpayer who is 70 years of age range from $636 to $672 per month for a male taxpayer and from $588 to $621 for a female taxpayer (the actual rate is set by the company which issues the annuity). Those rates do not include any guarantee period.

          For taxpayers whose primary objective is to obtain a guaranteed life-long income stream without the responsibility of making any investment decisions or the need to take any investment risk, an annuity can be an attractive option. There are, however, some potential downsides to be considered. First, an annuity can never be reversed. Once the taxpayer has signed the annuity contract and transferred the funds, he or she is locked into that annuity arrangement for the remainder of his or her life, regardless of any change in circumstances that might mean an annuity is no longer suitable. Second, unless the annuity contract includes a guarantee period, there is no way of knowing how many payments the taxpayer will receive. If he or she dies within a short period of time after the annuity is put in place, there is no refund of amounts invested – once the initial transfer is made at the time the annuity is purchased, all funds transferred belong to the annuity company. Third, most annuity payment schedules do not keep up with inflation – while it is possible to obtain an annuity in which payments are indexed, having that feature will mean a substantially lower monthly payout amount. Finally, where the amount paid to obtain the annuity represents most or all of the taxpayer’s assets, entering into the annuity arrangement means that the taxpayer will not be leaving an estate for his or heirs.

          The second option open to taxpayers is to collapse the RRSP and transfer the entire balance to a registered retirement income fund, or RRIF. An RRIF operates in much the same way as an RRSP, with two major differences. First, it’s not possible to contribute funds to an RRIF. Second, the taxpayer is required to withdraw an amount from his or her RRIF (and to pay tax on that amount) each year. That minimum withdrawal amount is a percentage of the outstanding balance, with that percentage figure determined by the taxpayer’s age at the beginning of the year. While the taxpayer can always withdraw more in a year (and pay tax on that withdrawal), he or she cannot withdraw less than the minimum required withdrawal for his or her age group.

          Where a taxpayer holds savings in an RRIF, he or she can invest those funds in the same investment vehicles as were used while the funds were held in an RRSP. And, as with an RRSP, investment income earned by funds held inside an RRIF are not taxed as they are earned. While the ability to continue holding investments that can grow on a tax-sheltered basis provides the taxpayer with a lot of flexibility, that flexibility has a price in the form of investment risk. As is the case with all investments, the investments held within an RRIF can increase in value – or decrease – and the taxpayer carries the entire investment risk. When things go the way every investor wants them to, investment income is earned while the taxpayer’s underlying capital is maintained, but that result is never guaranteed.

          On the death of an RRIF annuitant, any funds remaining in the RRIF can pass to the annuitant’s spouse on a tax-free basis. Where there is no spouse, the remaining funds in the RRIF will be income to the RRIF annuitant in the year of death, and any balance will become part of his or her estate.

          While the above discussion of RRIFs versus annuities focuses on the benefits and downsides of each, it’s not necessary, and in most cases not advisable, to limit the options to an either/or choice. It is possible to achieve, to a degree, the seemingly irreconcilable goals of lifetime income security and capital (and estate) growth. Combining the two alternatives – annuity and RRIF – either now or in the future can go a long way toward satisfying both objectives.

          For everyone, in retirement or not, spending is a combination of non-discretionary and discretionary items. The first category is made up mostly of expenditures for income tax, housing (whether rent or the cost of maintaining a house), food, insurance costs, and (especially for older Canadians) the cost of out-of-pocket medical expenses. The second category of discretionary expenses includes entertainment, travel, and the cost of any hobbies or interests pursued. A strategy which utilizes a portion of RRSP savings to create a secure lifelong income stream to cover non-discretionary costs can remove the worry of outliving one’s money, while the balance of savings can be invested for growth and to provide the income for discretionary spending.

          Such a secure income stream can, of course, be created by purchasing an annuity. As well, although most taxpayers don’t think of them in that way, the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security have many of the attributes of an annuity, with the added benefit that both are indexed to inflation. By age 71, all taxpayers who are eligible for CPP and OAS will have begun receiving those monthly benefits. Consequently, in making the RRIF/annuity decision at that age, taxpayers should include in their calculations the extent to which CPP and OAS benefits will pay for their non-discretionary living costs.

          As of July 2023, the maximum OAS benefit for most Canadians (specifically, those who have lived in Canada for 40 years after the age of 18) is about $699 per month. The amount of CPP benefits receivable by the taxpayer will vary, depending on his or her work history, but the maximum current benefit which can be received at age 65 is about $1,306. As a result, a single taxpayer who receives the maximum CPP and OAS benefits at age 65 will have just over $24,000 in annual income (about $2005 per month). And, for a married couple, of course, the total annual income received from CPP and OAS can be about $48,000 annually, or $4,010 per month. While $24,000 a year isn’t usually enough to provide a comfortable retirement, for those who go into retirement in good financial shape – meaning, generally, without any debt – it can go a long way toward meeting non-discretionary living costs. In other words, most Canadians who are facing the annuity versus RRIF decision already have a source of income which is effectively guaranteed for their lifetime and which is indexed to inflation. Taxpayers who are considering the purchase of an annuity to create the income stream required to cover non-discretionary expenses should first determine how much of those expenses can already be met by the combination of their (and their spouse’s) CPP and OAS benefits. The amount of any annuity purchase can then be set to cover off any shortfall.

          While the options available to a taxpayer at age 71 with respect to the structuring of future retirement income are relatively straightforward, the number of factors to be considered in assessing those factors and making that decision are not. All of that makes for a situation in which consulting with an independent financial advisor on the right mix of choices and investments isn’t just a good idea, it’s a necessary one.

          Increases to Old Age Security benefits effective July 2023

          July 15, 2023

          The federal government has announced that maximum payments under the Old Age Security program will increase for the July to September 2023 benefit period.

          Effective with the July 2023 payment, the maximum OAS benefit for recipients aged 65 to 74 will increase to $698.60. As of the same date, the maximum payment for OAS recipients aged 75 and older will increase to $768.46.

          More information on the changes to OAS and related benefits for the July to September 2023 benefit period can be found on the federal government website at

          Advance payment of Canada Workers’ Benefit begins in July 2023

          July 7, 2023

          The Canada Workers’ Benefit (CWB) is a refundable tax credit provided to lower-income individuals and families which have working income from employment or self-employment.

          In previous years, the CWB was paid once an individual had filed his or her tax return for the previous year. However, starting in July 2023, CWB recipients will receive half of their CWB allotment in quarterly instalments in July, October, and January. The remaining amount will be reconciled once the tax return for 2023 is filed next spring.

          More information on the CWB, including eligibility requirements and benefit amounts, can be found on the federal government website at

          Taxpayer relief for Canadians affected by wildfires

          July 1, 2023

          The Canada Revenue Agency has issued a reminder to Canadians of the availability of administrative relief from tax interest and penalty charges for taxpayers who have been affected by this spring’s wildfires.

          Such relief is provided through the Taxpayer Relief Program, which enables the Agency to waive interest and penalty charges which would otherwise be imposed where taxpayers are unable to meet their tax filing or payment obligations for reasons outside their control.

          Detailed information on the Taxpayer Relief Program, including the criteria used by the CRA to determine eligibility, as well as how to apply, can be found on the CRA website at

          About Expert Fiscaliste

          Quebec RL-31

          Expert Fiscaliste provides income tax preparation and consulting services to individuals, businesses, with real estate residential operations in Quebec.

          If you want to take advantage of our services for your Tax Returns Give us a call at 514-954-9031, or visit our Contact Tax Experts page.

          2023 June Tax News

          Table of Contents

            New information released on upcoming payment of grocery rebate

            June 23, 2023

            The federal government has released additional details of the “grocery rebate” which was announced in the 2023 federal Budget. That rebate is scheduled to be paid to eligible Canadians on July 5, 2023.

            The federal government release states that the grocery rebate will be double the amount of any GST/HST tax credit received by an individual in January 2023. Specifically, single individuals without children can receive a maximum of $234, while married individuals without children can receive a maximum of $306.  For both groups, the maximum rebate receivable increases with family size.

            Details of eligibility requirements for the rebate, and how it is calculated, can be found on the federal government website at New Grocery Rebate –

            Claiming a deduction for moving costs (June 2023)

            June 17, 2023

            Sales of residential real estate across Canada are, after a slowdown in 2022, once again on the rise. Back-to-back increases in sales figures during February and March 2023 were followed by a double digit increase in such sales during the month of April. Those figures mean that tens of thousands of Canadians will be closing home sales transactions and moving this spring and summer. And, whatever the reason for the move or the distance to the new location, all moves have two things in common – stress and cost. Even where the move is a desired one – from an apartment to a first home, or moving to take one’s dream job, any move inevitably means upheaval of one’s life, and the costs (especially for a long-distance move) can be very significant. There is not much that can diminish the stress of moving, but the associated costs can be offset somewhat by a tax deduction which may be claimed for many of those costs.

            While it’s common to refer simply to the “moving expense deduction”, as though it were available in all circumstances, the fact is that there is actually no across-the-board deduction available for moving costs. In order to be deductible from income for tax purposes, such moving costs must be incurred in specific and relatively narrow circumstances. Our tax system allows taxpayers to claim a deduction only where the move is made to get the taxpayer closer to his or her new place of work, whether that work is a transfer, a new job, or starting a business. Specifically, moving expenses can be deducted where the move is made to bring the taxpayer at least 40 kilometres closer to his or her new place of work. That requirement is satisfied where, for instance, a taxpayer moves from Ottawa to Calgary to take a new job. It’s also met where a taxpayer is transferred by his or her employer to another job in a different location and the taxpayer’s move will bring him or her at least 40 kilometres closer to the new work location. The requirement is not met where an individual or family move up the property ladder by selling and purchasing a new home (or buying a first home) in the same town or city where they currently live, without any change in work location.

            As well, it’s not actually necessary to be a homeowner in order to claim moving expenses. The list of moving related expenses which may be deducted is basically the same for everyone – homeowner or tenant – who meets the 40-kilometre requirement. Students who move to take a summer job (even if that move is back to the family home) can also make a claim for moving expenses where that move meets the 40-kilometre requirement.

            It’s important to remember, however, that even where the 40-kilometre requirement is met, it’s possible to deduct moving costs only from employment or self-employment (business) income – no deduction is allowed from other sources of income, like investment income or employment insurance benefits.

            The general rule is that a taxpayer can claim most reasonable amounts that were paid for moving themself, family members, and household effects. In all cases, the moving expenses can only be deducted from employment or self-employment income which is earned at the new location. Where the move takes place later in the year, and moving costs are significant, it’s possible that the amount of income earned at the new location in the year of the move will be less than deductible moving expenses incurred. In such instances, those expenses can be carried over and deducted from employment or self-employment income earned at the new location in any future year.

            Within the general rule, there are a number of specific inclusions, exclusions, and limitations. The following is a list of expenses which can be claimed by the taxpayer without specific dollar figure restrictions (but subject, as always, to the overriding requirement of “reasonableness”):

            • Traveling expenses, including vehicle expenses, meals, and accommodation, to move the taxpayer and members of their family to the new residence (note that not all members of the household have to travel together or at the same time);
            • Transportation and storage costs (such as packing, hauling, movers, in-transit storage, and insurance) for household effects, including such items as boats and trailers;
            • Costs for up to 15 days for meals and temporary accommodation near the old and the new residences for the taxpayer and members of the household;
            • Lease cancellation charges (but not rent) on the old residence;
            • Legal or notary fees incurred for the purchase of the new residence, together with any taxes paid for the transfer or registration of title to the new residence (excluding GST or HST); 
            • The cost of selling the old residence, including advertising, notary or legal fees, real estate commissions, and any mortgage penalties paid when a mortgage is paid off before maturity; and
            • The cost of changing an address on legal documents, replacing driving licences and non-commercial vehicle permits (except insurance), and costs related to utility hook-ups and disconnections.

            Every homeowner who is moving must decide whether to sell their current home before purchasing the new one, or to secure a new home first, and then put their current home on the market. Those who decide on the second approach are entitled to deduct up to $5,000 in costs incurred for the maintenance of the “old” residence while it is vacant and it is on the market. Specifically, costs including interest, property taxes, insurance premiums, and heat and utilities expenses paid to maintain the old residence while efforts were being made to sell it may be deducted. If any family members are still living at the old residence, or it is being rented, no such deduction is available.

            It may seem from the forgoing that virtually all moving-related costs will be deductible – however, there are some costs for which the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will not permit a deduction to be claimed, as follows:

            • Expenses for work done to make the old residence more saleable;
            • Any loss incurred on the sale of the old residence;
            • Expenses for job-hunting or house-hunting trips to another city (for example, costs to travel to job interviews or meet with real estate agents);
            • Expenses incurred to clean or repair a rental residence to meet the landlord’s standards;
            • Costs to replace such personal-use items as drapery and carpets;
            • Mail forwarding costs; and
            • Mortgage default insurance.

            To claim a deduction for any eligible costs incurred, supporting receipts must be obtained. While the receipts do not have to be filed with the return on which the related deduction is claimed, they must be kept in case the CRA wants to review them.

            Anyone who has ever moved knows that there are an endless number of details to be dealt with. For some types of costs, the administrative burden of claiming moving-related expenses can be minimized by choosing to claim a standardized amount, rather than the actual amount of expense incurrred. Specifically, the CRA allows taxpayers to claim a fixed amount, without the need for detailed receipts, for travel and meal expenses related to a move. Using that standardized, or flat rate method, taxpayers may claim up to $23 per meal, to a maximum of $69 per day, for each person in the household. Similarly, the taxpayer can claim a set per-kilometre amount for kilometres driven in connection with the move. The per-kilometre amount ranges from 55.0 cents for Alberta and Saskatchewan to 67.5 cents for the Northwest Territories. In all cases, it is the province or territory in which the travel begins which determines the applicable rate.

            These standardized travel and meal expense rates are those which were in effect for the 2022 taxation year – the CRA will be posting the rates for 2023 on its website early in 2024, in time for the tax filing season.

            Once eligibility for the moving expense deduction is established, the rules which govern the calculation of the available deduction are not complex, but they are very detailed. The best summary of those rules is found on the form used to claim such expenses – the T1-M. The current version of that form can be found on the CRA’s website at Moving Expenses Deduction. ( and more information (including a link to rates for standardized meal and travel cost claims) is available at Line 21900 – Moving expenses –

            Making sure your taxes for 2023 are on track (June 2023)

            June 17, 2023

            Many, if not most, taxpayers think of tax planning as a year-end exercise to be carried out in the last few weeks of the year, with a view to taking the steps needed to minimize the tax bill for the current year. And it’s true that almost all strategies needed to both minimize the tax hit for the year and to ensure that there won’t be a big tax bill come next April must be taken by December 31 of the current calendar year (the making of registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) contributions being the notable exception). Nonetheless, there’s a lot to recommend carrying out a mid-year review of one’s tax situation for the current year. Doing that review mid-year, instead of waiting until December, gives the taxpayer the chance to make sure that everything is on track and to put into place any adjustments needed to help ensure that there are no tax surprises when the income tax return for 2023 is filed next spring. As well, while the deadline for implementing most tax saving strategies may be December 31, the window of opportunity to make a significant difference to one’s current-year tax situation does narrow as the calendar year progresses.

            By the middle of June, most Canadians will have filed their individual income tax return for the 2022 tax year and received a Notice of Assessment outlining their tax position for that year. Those who receive a refund will celebrate that fact; less happily, those who receive a tax bill will pay the amount owed, however reluctantly. Although few Canadians have this perspective, the reality is that getting either a big tax refund or having to pay a large tax bill is a sign that one’s tax affairs need attention. A refund, especially a large refund, means that the taxpayer has overpaid his or her taxes for the previous year and has essentially provided the Canada Revenue Agency with an interest-free loan of funds that could have been put to better use in the taxpayer’s hands. The other outcome – a large bill – means that taxes have been underpaid for the previous year and could mean paying interest charges to the CRA. Either way, it’s in the taxpayer’s best interests to ensure that tax paid throughout the year is sufficient to cover his or her taxes, without overpaying or underpaying. The best-case scenario is to file a tax return and receive a Notice of Assessment which indicates that there is neither a substantial refund payable nor any significant amount owing.

            For most Canadians, income and available deductions and credits don’t vary substantially from one year to the next. Where that’s the case, the amount of tax owed by the taxpayer for 2022 (a figure that can be found on Line 43500 of the Notice of Assessment) is likely to be very close to one’s tax liability for 2023.

            After determining the amount of one’s tax liability for 2022, the next step in doing a review is to get a sense of how much tax has already been paid for the 2023 tax year. There are two ways of paying taxes throughout the year. The majority of Canadians (including all employees) have income taxes deducted from their paycheques and remitted to the federal government on their behalf – known as source deductions. Taxpayers who do not have income tax deducted at source – which would include self-employed individuals and, frequently, retired taxpayers – make tax payments directly to the federal government (four times a year, in March, June, September, and December) through the tax instalment system.

            Using the tax payable figure for 2022 as a guide, it’s necessary to figure out whether income tax payments made to date, either by source deductions or instalment payments, match up with that tax liability figure, recognizing that by this point in the year, approximately one-half of taxes for 2023 should already have been paid. If they haven’t, and particularly if there is a significant shortfall which will mean a large balance owing when the tax return for 2023 is filed next spring, the taxpayer will need to take steps to remedy that.

            Where the individual involved pays tax by instalments, the solution is simple. He or she can simply increase or decrease the amount of remaining instalment payments made in 2023 so that the total instalment payments made over the course of this year accurately reflect the total tax payable for the year. The only caveat in that situation is that the individual should err on the side of caution to ensure that there isn’t a shortfall in instalment payments, which could result in interest charges being levied by the CRA.

            The situation is a little more complex for employees, or anyone who has tax deducted at source. Often when such individuals discover that they are overpaying taxes through source deductions, it’s because other deductions which they claim on their return for the year – for expenditures like deductible support payments, child care expenses, or contributions to an RRSP – aren’t taken into account in calculating the amount of tax to deduct at source. The solution for employees who find themselves in that situation is to file a Form T1213 – Request to Reduce Tax Deductions at Source, which is available on the CRA website at T1213 Request to Reduce Tax Deductions at Source – On that form, the taxpayer identifies the amounts which will be deducted on the return for the year and, once the CRA verifies that those deductible expenditures are being made, it will authorize the taxpayer’s employer to reduce the amount of tax which is being withheld at source to take account of that deduction.

            Where it’s the opposite situation and a taxpayer finds that source deductions being made will not be sufficient to cover his or her tax liability for the year (meaning a tax bill to be paid next spring), the solution is to have those source deductions increased. To do that, the employee needs to obtain a federal TD1 form for 2023, which is available on the CRA website at On the reverse side of that Form TD1, there is a section entitled “Additional tax to be deducted”, in which the employee can direct his or her employer to deduct additional amounts at source for income tax, and can specify the dollar amount which is to be deducted from each paycheque, on a go-forward basis.

            Alternatively, the taxpayer who is looking at a large tax bill on filing the 2023 return can take steps to bring down that bill by creating or increasing available deductions. The most widely available strategy which will provide the greatest tax savings is an RRSP contribution, which reduces taxable income on a dollar-for-dollar basis. And while it’s difficult for most taxpayers to come up with such a contribution at the last minute, starting mid-year to transfer a set amount from each paycheque received between June of 2023 and February of 2024 to one’s RRSP can result in a substantial contribution deduction and a resulting reduction in the tax bill for the year.

            No one particularly likes thinking about taxes, at any time of year, but ignoring the issue definitely won’t make it go away. The investment of a few hours of time now, and putting in place any needed adjustments, can mean avoiding a nasty surprise in the form of a large balance owing when the return for 2023 is completed next spring.

            Claiming the principal residence exemption in 2023 – some new rules (June 2023)

            June 17, 2023

            The purchase of a first home is a milestone in anyone’s life, for many reasons. A home purchase is likely the largest single financial transaction most Canadians will enter into in their lives, and having the ability to buy one’s own home has traditionally been perceived as a marker of financial success and stability.

            While there are many intangible benefits to owning a home, home ownership also provides some very tangible and significant financial advantages. Specifically, it provides the opportunity to accumulate wealth through increases in home equity, and to realize that wealth on a truly tax-free basis.

            Most Canadians who purchase a home do so by making a down payment and borrowing the remainder of the purchase price of the home from a financial institution. That borrowing – the home mortgage – is paid off, with interest, usually over a 25- or 30-year period, at the end of which the homeowner owns the property outright. And, in virtually all instances, the value of that property is likely to be many times more than the original purchase price. In many locations in Canada, a home purchased in 1998 for $200,000 could have, by 2023, a market value of $1,000,000.

            The real benefit of such asset growth, however, is found in the way such increases in value are treated for tax purposes. The Canadian tax system is a very comprehensive one, and there are very few sources of income or investment gains which escape the tax net. Home ownership is one of those few exceptions.

            Under Canadian tax rules, where an asset is sold, the increase in the value of that asset over its original purchase price is treated as a capital gain, 50% of which must be included in taxable income and taxed as such. However, where a family home is sold, any increase in value (that is, any gain) is exempt from tax, regardless of the amount of such gain. Continuing the above example, a homeowner who paid $200,000 for a home in 1998 and sells that home in 2023 for $1,000,000 has a gain of $800,000. Assuming that the property was lived in and used as a home (a “principal residence” in tax parlance) for the entire 23 years of ownership, the full $800,000 gain can be received tax-free. If that gain were treated as a capital gain, and taxed as such, approximately $200,000 of the gain would have to be paid in capital gains tax.

            The tax-free status of gains made on the sale of a family home is known, for tax purposes, as the principal residence exemption (PRE) and has been available to Canadians since 1972. And, for nearly 45 years after that, there were no changes made to the rules governing the availability of the exemption, or the reporting requirements for claiming it. In the last eight years, however, and especially in 2023, the rules with respect to the exemption have been tightened.

            The need for changes arose out of a perceived change in the way the housing market operated, resulting from unprecedented increases in the price of residential properties over a relatively short period of time. While there are have always been individuals or companies who purchased properties with the intent of reselling them, perhaps after undertaking renovations, most purchases of residential real estate were made by individuals or families intending to live in them. However, it became possible, over the past 10 or 15 years, to purchase a property and re-sell it relatively soon thereafter for a very substantial profit. And, where the PRE was claimed on that sale, the entire profit would be received tax-free.

            These changes in the housing market led to what the federal government perceived as a situation in which housing was being bought and sold as a commodity rather than for its traditional purpose of providing a home, and that the principal residence exemption was being used to avoid the payment of profits made from the “flipping” of properties in a way that was never intended. A secondary effect of such “commodification” of residential real estate was to drive up the price of properties, putting home ownership further and further out of the reach of the average Canadian.

            For both these reasons, the federal government moved, in 2016 and again in 2023, to make changes to ensure that the principal residence exemption was being used for its intended purpose, and only by those who were entitled to claim it.

            The first such change, which took effect as of January 1, 2016, was an administrative measure which required taxpayers, for the first time, to report any transaction for which the PRE was being claimed. Beginning with the 2016 tax year, individuals who are claiming the PRE for a property sale which took place during the year are required to complete Schedule 3 on their tax return for the year, confirming that fact and indicating the tax years for which the exemption is being claimed.

            It’s important to note that the new requirement to report any claims for the PRE does not in any way change the rules respecting either eligibility for the exemption or the tax treatment of amounts received on the sale of a principal residence. What it does, however, is provide the tax authorities with information which could flag claims for the PRE which those tax authorities view as requiring further investigation. For instance, where an individual claims the principal residence exemption on two sales of residential property within a three-year period, it’s very likely that the tax authorities will want further information to determine whether either or both such transactions fit within the ambit of the rules governing the PRE.

            In fact, as reported in the media, the Canada Revenue Agency has sent out “educational letters” to several hundred taxpayers who have claimed the PRE in circumstances which the CRA believes merit further investigation. Those letters suggest that taxpayers contact the CRA to provide an explanation for their use of the PRE, or to amend their return(s) if necessary.

            These CRA enforcement activities are unlikely to affect taxpayers who sell a principal residence perhaps two or three times during their lifetime: the CRA’s efforts are directed at those who may be repeatedly using the PRE to shelter income or capital gains which should be reported as (and taxed as) income. Nonetheless, it remains the case that anyone claiming the PRE in any year after 2015 must file a Schedule 3 with their return for the year, certifying that fact, in order to be able to benefit from it.

            The second change made by the federal government with respect to the PRE was much more substantive, and aimed directly at those who, in the government’s view, are misusing the PRE. That change, which is effective as of 2023, provides that anyone who sells a property which they have owned for less than 12 months would be considered to be “flipping” properties. Where that is the case, 100% of any gain made on the sale of the property would be included in income and taxed as business income. In other words, not only would the seller of the property not be eligible for the PRE, the gains made on the sale of the property would not be treated as a capital gain (only half of which is included in income for tax purposes) but as business income, the entirety of which is included in income and taxed as such.

            The difference in the tax result is best illustrated using the example above. An individual who purchases a property for $200,000 and sells that property for $1,000,000 has a gain of $800,000. The result of the different possible tax treatments of that gain is as follows:

            • Where the sale is fully eligible for the principal residence exemption, the total tax payable on the gain is $0;
            • Where the gain is treated as a capital gain, the total tax payable on that gain is about $200,000; and
            • Where the property sale takes place after 2022 and the property was owned for less than 12 months, the new rule will apply, and the total tax payable on the gain will be about $400,000.

            Of course, while most Canadians who purchase a home to live in as a principal residence don’t intend to sell within a year of purchase, life’s circumstances can sometimes dictate a different outcome. Consequently, exemptions from the new tax consequences of selling within 12 months of purchase will be provide for Canadians who sell their home due to specified life events, such as a death, disability, the birth of a child, a new job, or a divorce. 

            The changes made to the PRE rules in 2016 and 2023 don’t change the fact that home ownership remains one of the very best tax savings and wealth building strategies available to Canadians. Those who buy intending to live in the property as a family home are unlikely to be affected by the 2023 rule changes, and compliance with the new reporting requirements introduced in 2016 will ensure that they make the most of the tax saving possibilities available to them.

            More information on the rules governing the sale of a principal residence and claiming the exemption can be found on the CRA website at  and

            June 15, 2023 filing deadline for self-employed taxpayers

            June 3, 2023

            While most Canadian taxpayers were required to file their income tax returns for the 2022 tax year on or before May 1, 2023, self-employed taxpayers (and their spouses) have until Thursday June 15, 2023 to file such returns.

            The extended filing deadline does not apply to payment of taxes owed for the 2022 tax year, as all such payments were due on or before May 1, 2023. Where payments have not been made in full, interest on any shortfall is currently accruing at a rate of 9%, compounded daily.

            Information on filing a return for 2022 can be found on the Canada Revenue Agency website at and

            Second individual income tax instalment for 2023 due June 15

            June 3, 2023

            Canadians who pay income tax by instalment make those instalment payments of tax four times each year, by specified deadlines.

            The second income tax instalment deadline for the 2023 tax year falls on Thursday, June 15. Information on the instalment payment program, available options with respect to determining the amount of instalment payment to be made, and methods for making an instalment payment can be found on the Canada Revenue Agency website at

            About Expert Fiscaliste

            Quebec RL-31

            Expert Fiscaliste provides income tax preparation and consulting services to individuals, businesses, with real estate residential operations in Quebec.

            If you want to take advantage of our services for your Tax Returns Give us a call at 514-954-9031, or visit our Contact Tax Experts page.

            2023 May Tax News

            Table of Contents

              When you make a mistake on your (already filed) tax return

              May 24, 2023

              The vast majority of Canadians view completing and filing their annual tax return as an unwelcome chore, and generally breathe a sigh of relief when it’s done for another year. When things go entirely as planned and hoped, the taxpayer will have prepared a return that is complete and correct, and filed it on time, and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will issue a Notice of Assessment indicating that the return is “assessed as filed”, meaning that the CRA agrees with the information filed and tax result obtained by the taxpayer. While that’s the outcome everyone is hoping for, it’s a result which can be derailed in any number of ways.

              Over 94% of the returns which had been filed for the 2022 tax year by mid-April 2023 were filed through online filing methods (NETFILE or EFILE), meaning that they were prepared using tax return preparation software. The use of such software significantly reduces the chance of making a clerical or arithmetic error, like entering an amount on the wrong line or adding a column of figures incorrectly. However, no matter how good the software is, it can work only with the information that is provided to it. Sometimes taxpayers prepare and file a return, only to later receive a tax information slip that should have been included on that return. It’s also easy to make an inputting error when transposing figures from an information slip (for example, a T4 slip from one’s employer) into the software, such that $73,246 in income becomes $72,346. Whatever the cause, where the figures input are incorrect or information is missing, those errors or omissions will be reflected in the final (incorrect) result produced by the software.

              In other cases, a receipt for something like a charitable donation may be overlooked when the taxpayer is completing the return, or may be received after the return has already been filed. Whatever the cause or reason for the error or omission in an already filed return, the question which immediately arises is how to make things right. And, no matter what the reason for the error or omission, the course of action to be followed by the taxpayer is the same.

              For more information on Notice of Assessment see

              When and how to dispute your Notice of Assessment

              May 24, 2023

              Of the 17 million individual income tax returns for the 2022 tax year filed with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) by the middle of April 2023, no two were identical. Each return contained its own particular combination of types and amounts of income reported and deductions and credits claimed. There is, however, one thing which every one of those returns has in common: For each and every one, the CRA will review the return filed, determine whether it is in agreement with the information contained therein, and, finally, issue a Notice of Assessment (NOA) to the taxpayer summarizing the Agency’s conclusions with respect to the taxpayer’s tax situation for the 2022 tax year.

              When all goes as it should, the information contained in the NOA is the same as that provided by the taxpayer in his or her return. In a minority of cases, however, the information presented in the NOA will differ from that provided by the taxpayer in his or her return. Where that difference means an unanticipated refund, or a refund larger than the one expected, it’s a good day for the taxpayer. In some cases, however, the NOA will inform the taxpayer that additional amounts are owed to the CRA. When that happens, the taxpayer has to figure out why, and to decide whether or not to dispute the CRA’s conclusions.

              For more information on Notice of Assessment see

              Making a payment arrangement with the Canada Revenue Agency

              May 20, 2023

              All Canadian individual taxpayers were required to pay any tax balance owed for the 2022 tax year on or before May 1, 2023. As of May 2, 2023, interest at a rate of 9% is levied on all such outstanding amounts, and such interest charges are compounded daily.

              Where an individual cannot pay 2022 taxes owed, in whole or in part, it is possible to reach a payment arrangement with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) which allows the taxpayer to pay outstanding amounts over time.

              Information on the kinds of arrangements which are available, and how to contact the CRA to make such arrangements, can be found on the Agency’s website at and

              CRA issues updated publication on taxpayer objection and appeal rights

              May 12, 2023

              Most Canadians were required to file an income tax return for the 2022 tax year by the end of April 2023. For each such filing, a Notice of Assessment is issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), outlining the Agency’s conclusions with respect to the individual’s tax situation (and tax liability) for the year.

              Where the information on the Notice of Assessment differs from that which was provided by the taxpayer on the return (and particularly where those differences result in increased tax payable by the taxpayer), that taxpayer must decide whether to object to the CRA’s conclusions as outlined in the Notice of Assessment.

              The CRA recently updated and re-issued its publication outlining the circumstances in which a taxpayer can file an objection to the Notice of Assessment and how to do so. The updated publication – Resolving Your Dispute – Objection Rights under the Income Tax Act 2022 (P148 (E) Rev. 22) can be found on the CRA website at

              About Expert Fiscaliste

              Quebec RL-31

              Expert Fiscaliste provides income tax preparation and consulting services to individuals, businesses, with real estate residential operations in Quebec.

              If you want to take advantage of our services for your Tax Returns Give us a call at 514-954-9031, or visit our Contact Tax Experts page.

              2023 April Tax News

              Table of Contents

                May 1, 2023 deadline for payment of individual income taxes for 2022

                April 28, 2023

                Monday May 1, 2023 is the deadline by which all individual income taxes owed for the 2022 tax year must be paid. The May 1 payment deadline applies regardless of the date by which an individual must file their income tax return for 2022.

                There are a number of methods by which taxes owed can be paid to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), and those are listed on the CRA’s website at

                Taxpayers should note that the current labour disruption at the CRA does not affect or extend the payment deadline, which remains May 1, 2023.

                May 1, 2023 deadline for filing of individual income tax returns for 2022

                April 28, 2023

                Most individual Canadian taxpayers must file their income tax returns for the 2022 tax year on or before Monday, May 1, 2023. Self-employed individuals and their spouses, however, have until June 15, 2023 to file their returns for 2022.

                The filing deadline is not affected by the current labour disruption at the Canada Revenue Agency. While the processing of returns (especially paper-filed returns) may be delayed, the filing deadline nonetheless remains Monday May 1, 2023, and late-filing penalties will apply where returns are filed after that date.

                The CRA’s NETFILE service for the online filing of individual income tax returns can be found on the Agency’s website at

                Some tax filing strategies for the 2022 return (April 2023)

                April 18, 2023

                It is an axiom of tax planning that the best year-end tax planning begins on January 1. And while it’s true that opportunities to make a significant dent in one’s tax payable for the year diminish as the calendar year winds down, it’s not the case that the time frame for taking advantage of such opportunities has passed.

                Most tax planning strategies, in order to affect one’s tax liability for the year, must be put in place prior to December 31. The one major exception to that rule is contributions made to one’s registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), but even that must be done within 60 days after the end of the calendar year.

                At this point there are a couple of ways to minimize the tax hit for 2022 – by claiming all available deductions and credits on the return, and also by making sure that those deductions and credits are structured and claimed in the way which will give the taxpayer the greatest tax benefit. It would seem logical to claim every possible deduction, to the maximum extent possible, but that’s not in fact always the best approach. It is counterintuitive, but sometimes the best overall tax result can be obtained by deferring tax deduction or credit claims to a future year, or by transferring them to another family member.

                Two of the mostly widely available opportunities to do so involve claims for tax credits involving medical expenses incurred and charitable donations made. What follows is an outline of how those medical and charitable donation expense and credit claims can be structured to reduce tax payable for 2022, and in some cases, for future years.

                Charitable donations

                Taxpayers are entitled to make a claim on the annual tax return for charitable donations made in the current (2022) year or any of the previous five years. The reason it can sometimes makes sense not to claim a charitable donation in the year it was made arises from the way in which the charitable donations tax credit is structured to encourage higher donations.

                That credit, at both the federal and provincial/territorial levels, is a two-tier credit. Federally, the first $200 in donations receives a credit of 15% of the total donation, or $30. However, donations above the $200 level receive a credit equal to 29% of the donation amount over $200.

                Take, for example, a taxpayer who makes a regular contribution to a favourite charity of $100 each month, or $1,200 per year. Where he or she claims that donation on the annual return each year, that claim will result in a federal credit of $320 ($200 times 15%, plus $1,000 times 29%). Where, however, the same taxpayer defers the claim to the following year and claims a total of $2,400 in donations on a single return, he or she will receive a federal credit of $668. ($200 times 15%, plus $2,200 times 29%). Where the donations are accumulated and claimed once every five years, the federal credit received will be $1,712 ($200 times 15%, plus $5,800 times 29%). Under each scenario, the total charitable donation made is the same, but the amount of credit received increases with each year that the claim is deferred. Since each of the provinces and territories provide a two-tier credit (at varying rates, depending on the jurisdiction), the same result will be seen when calculating the provincial/territorial credit.

                It’s important to note as well that charitable donations made by either spouse can be combined and claimed on the return for one of those spouses, thereby increasing the amount of charitable donations available to claim and possibly the amount of credit which can be received.

                Medical expenses

                Notwithstanding our publicly funded health care system, there are a great (and increasing) number of medical and para-medical expenses for which coverage is not provided and which must be paid on an out-of-pocket basis. In many instances, it’s possible to claim a medical expense tax credit for those out-of-pocket costs.

                The federal credit for such expenses is 15% of allowable expenses. As is usually the case, the provinces and territories also provide a credit for the same expenses, at varying rates.

                Many taxpayers, with some justification, find the rules on the calculation of a medical tax credit claim confusing. First, there is an income threshold imposed. Medical expenses eligible for the credit are qualifying expenses which exceed 3% of net income, or (for 2022) $2,497, whichever is less. Put more practically, for 2022 taxpayers who have net income of $83,250 or more can claim medical expenses incurred over $2,497. Those with lower incomes can claim medical expenses which exceed 3% of that lower net income. For instance, a taxpayer having $35,000 in net income could claim qualifying medical expenses incurred over $1,050 (3% of $35,000).

                The other aspect of the medical expense tax credit which can be confusing is the calculation of the optimal time period. Unlike most tax credit claims, the medical expense tax credit can be claimed for qualifying expenses which were paid in any 12-month period ending during the tax year. While confusing, this rule is beneficial, in that it allows taxpayers to select the particular 12-month period during which medical expenses (and therefore the resulting credit claim) is highest. The only restrictions are that the selected 12-month period must end during the calendar year for which the return is being filed and, of course, any expenses which were claimed on a previous return cannot be claimed again. 

                While only expenses which exceed the $2,497 / 3% threshold may be claimed, it’s also possible to aggregate expenses incurred within a family and make a single claim for those expenses on the return of one spouse. Specifically, the rules allow families to aggregate medical expenses incurred for each spouse and for all children born in 2005 or later. While medical expenses incurred by a single family member might not be enough to allow him or her to make a claim, aggregating those expenses is very likely (especially for a family that does not have private medical insurance coverage) to mean that total expenses will exceed the applicable threshold.

                In determining who will make the medical tax credit claim for a family, there are two points to remember. Since total medical expenses claimable are those which exceed the 3% of net income / $2,497 threshold, whichever is less, the greatest benefit will be obtained if the spouse with the lower net income makes the claim for total family medical expenses. However, the medical expense credit is a non-refundable one, meaning that it can reduce tax otherwise payable, but cannot create (or increase) a refund. Therefore, it’s necessary that the spouse making the claim have tax payable for the year of at least as much as the credit to be obtained, in order to make full use of that credit.

                Finally, there are a huge number and variety of medical expenses which individuals and families may incur, and the rules governing which can be claimed and in what circumstances are very specific. In some cases, for instance, a doctor’s prescription will be required, while in others it will not. The very long list of medical expenses eligible for the credit, and any ancillary requirements, such as a prescription, can be found on the Canada Revenue Agency website at

                What to expect when you hear from the Canada Revenue Agency (April 2023)

                April 18, 2023

                Most Canadians live their lives with only very infrequent contact with the tax authorities and are generally happy to keep it that way. Sometime between mid-February and the end of April (or June 15 for self-employed taxpayers and their spouses) a return must be filed by the taxpayer and a Notice of Assessment is then issued by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). In most cases, the taxpayer will receive a tax refund by direct deposit to his or her bank account, while in a minority of cases the taxpayer will have to pay a tax amount owing on or before May 1, 2023.

                Sometimes, however, the process does not play out in quite that way. In some cases, the CRA will have questions about information reported on the taxpayer’s return – perhaps an income amount reported does not match up with the amount reported to the CRA by the payor of that income. In other cases, the taxpayer may have claimed a deduction or credit, and the CRA wants the taxpayer to provide them with the receipt or other documentation to support that deduction or credit claim. In both cases, the CRA may contact the taxpayer to resolve the discrepancy or to obtain the information needed to finish processing the taxpayer’s return. In some cases, that contact will occur before the CRA issues the Notice of Assessment with respect to the taxpayer’s return, while in others it will not take place until after the Notice of Assessment has been issued.

                While no one particularly likes hearing from the tax authorities, it is critical that the taxpayer respond to any enquiry from the CRA. Failing to do so will mean, at a minimum, that the processing of one’s tax return will be delayed; or worse, a claim made on the return will be denied because the taxpayer has not responded to requests to provide the CRA with supporting documentation.

                The problem which arises for the taxpayer is determining whether a communication received is in fact a legitimate request from the CRA or is part of a scam, phishing, or fraud attempt. Scams in which fraud artists claim to be from the CRA have become ubiquitous over the past decade or so, to the point that almost everyone has (or knows someone who has) received a fraudulent communication purporting to be from the tax authorities and requesting information from the taxpayer.

                In an effort to address this issue, the CRA recently posted on its website a guide to how to distinguish legitimate queries received from the Agency from scams or phishing attempts. The Agency’s goal is two-fold: the first, of course, is to help taxpayers avoid becoming yet another victim of such frauds, and the second is to prevent situations in which taxpayers ignore legitimate communications from the Agency, having dismissed them as just another phishing attempt.

                To help taxpayers verify that a contact is legitimately from the CRA, the Agency utilizes a number of strategies and security measures. First, any initial contact from the CRA will be by way of letter or phone call. The CRA does not send or receive emails pertaining to confidential individual tax matters. It also does not contact taxpayers by text message or on any social media sites. Taxpayers who have not signed up for the CRA service My Account will receive a letter from the CRA by regular mail, or will receive a phone call. Those who have signed up for My Account will be able to access any letters or electronic communication from the Agency on the CRA website, but only after signing into My Account. My Account, like all of the CRA’s sign-in services, now requires multi-factor authentication.

                Where an unsolicited contact from the CRA to an individual taxpayer is by telephone, it can be difficult to determine whether that unfamiliar voice on the telephone is in fact a CRA employee. Any legitimate CRA employee will identify themself when they contact a taxpayer and will provide that taxpayer with their name and phone number to call them back, if needed. (Taxpayers should be aware that relying on call display to verify the source of the call is not a good idea, as scammers have been able to manipulate that technology to display what looks very much like, or even the same as, a legitimate CRA phone number.)

                The Agency suggests that where there is any doubt about the identity of a caller claiming to be from the CRA, taxpayers consider taking the following steps to ensure that they are, in fact, speaking to a CRA employee.

                1. Tell the caller you would like to first verify their identity.
                2. Request and make a note of their:
                  • name,
                  • phone number, and
                  • office location.
                3. End the call. Then check that the information provided during the call was legitimate by contacting the CRA. It is important to do this BEFORE providing any information to the caller.

                Not infrequently, a taxpayer will contact the CRA through one of its individual or business tax help lines, which are answered by call center agents. Each of those telephone services offers an automated callback service – when wait times reach a certain threshold, the taxpayer is given the option of receiving a callback rather than continuing to wait on hold. Where the taxpayer chooses the callback option, he or she is provided with a randomized four-digit confirmation number. The CRA call center agent who returns the taxpayer’s call will repeat that number, so that the taxpayer can be certain that it is a CRA employee who is calling.

                Finally, there are some actions which, if taken by anyone purporting to be from the CRA, should lead the taxpayer to immediately end the telephone call, including the following:  

                • the caller does not give you proof of working for the CRA, for example, their name and office location;
                • the caller pressures you to act now, uses aggressive language, or issues threats of arrest or sending law enforcement;
                • the caller asks you to pay with prepaid credit cards, gift cards, cryptocurrency, or some other unusual form of payment;
                • the caller asks for information you would not enter on your return or that is not related to money you owe the CRA, for example, a credit card number;
                • the caller recommends that you apply for benefits:
                  • do not provide information to callers offering to apply for benefits on your behalf;
                  • you can apply for benefits directly on Government of Canada websites or by phone.

                In addition, a CRA representative will never:

                • demand immediate payment from the taxpayer by any of the following methods:
                  • Interac e-transfer,
                  • Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin),
                  • Prepaid credit cards,
                  • Gift card from retailers such as iTunes, Amazon, or others;
                • ask the taxpayer for a fee to speak with a contact centre agent;
                • set up a meeting in a public place to take a payment from the taxpayer;
                • use aggressive language or threaten the taxpayer with arrest, deportation, or sending the police;
                • leave voicemails that are threatening to the taxpayer, or that include the taxpayer’s personal or financial information; or
                • send an email or text message with a link to the taxpayer’s refund.

                While scams and frauds and their perpetrators have been around for literally centuries, changes in technology mean that most taxpayers are now accustomed to and at ease with conducting much of their personal and financial lives online, making it much easier to carry out such deceptions. And even newer technology, like artificial intelligence, poses additional threats for the future. In such an environment, the taxpayer’s best protection is to take whatever steps are needed to verify the legitimacy of any unsolicited contact received with respect to matters of tax or personal finances. Doing so is no longer just prudent, it’s a necessity.

                What to do when you can’t pay your tax bill (April 2023)

                April 18, 2023

                Fortunately for the Canadian taxpayer, most individual income tax returns filed result in the payment of a tax refund to the tax filer. Notwithstanding, a significant number of taxpayers find, on completing the annual tax return, that money is owed to the Canada Revenue Agency. Of the returns for the 2022 tax year that were filed between mid-February and mid-March this year, over half a million taxpayers found themselves in that position. It’s likely, as well, that those who owe money on filing aren’t eager to file early, and so the number of taxpayers who must pay a tax balance for 2022 will almost certainly increase significantly between now and the payment deadline of May 1, 2023.

                While receiving a refund is the best possible outcome, the worst-case scenario for all taxpayers is to find out that they are faced with a large tax bill and an imminent payment deadline, and that they just don’t have the money to make the required payment by that deadline. Right now, many Canadians are already living with significant financial constraints, as they cope with both inflationary increases in the cost of household goods (especially groceries) and the impact of eight successive increases in interest rates since this time last year.

                For the many Canadians who don’t have the means to pay a tax bill out of existing resources, that can mean borrowing the needed funds.  And, while that will mean paying interest on the borrowing, the interest cost incurred will likely be less than that which would be levied by the Canada Revenue Agency on the unpaid tax bill. 

                Where, however, a tax bill can’t be paid in full out of either current resources or available credit, the Canada Revenue Agency is open to making a payment arrangement with the taxpayer. While, like most creditors, the CRA would rather get paid on time and in full, its ultimate goal is to collect the full amount of taxes owed. Consequently, the Agency provides taxpayers who simply can’t pay their bill for the year on time and in full with the option of paying an amount owed over time, through a payment arrangement.

                There are two avenues available to taxpayers who want to propose a payment arrangement with the CRA. The first is a call to the Agency’s automated TeleArrangement service at 1-866-256-1147. When making such a call, it is necessary for the taxpayer to provide his or her social insurance number, date of birth, and the amount entered on line 15000 of the last tax return for which the taxpayer received a Notice of Assessment. For taxpayers who are up to date on their tax filings, that will be the Notice of Assessment for the return for the 2021 tax year. The TeleArrangement Service is available Monday to Friday, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Eastern time.

                Taxpayers who would rather speak directly to a CRA employee can call the Agency’s debt management call centre at 1-888-863-8657 or can complete an online form (available at requesting a callback from a CRA agent.

                No matter what payment arrangement is made, the CRA will levy interest charges on any amount of tax owed for the 2022 tax year which is not paid on or before May 1, 2023. Interest charges levied by the CRA tend to add up quickly, for two reasons. First, the interest rate charged by the CRA on outstanding tax amounts is, by law, higher than current commercial rates – the rate which will be charged from April 1 to June 30, 2023 is 9.0%. Second, interest charges levied by the CRA are compounded daily, meaning that each day interest is levied on the previous day’s interest charges. It is for these reasons that a taxpayer is, where at all possible, likely better off arranging private borrowing in order to pay any taxes owing by the May 1 deadline.

                Finally, regardless of the taxpayer’s financial circumstances, there is one strategy which is always ill-advised. Taxpayers who can’t pay their tax bill by the deadline sometimes conclude that there is no point in filing if payment can’t be made. Those taxpayers are wrong. Where an amount of tax is owed and the return isn’t filed on time, there is an immediate tax penalty imposed of 5% of the outstanding tax amount – and interest charges start accruing on that penalty amount (as well as on the outstanding tax balance) immediately. For each full month that the return isn’t filed, a further penalty of 1% of the outstanding tax amount is charged, to a maximum of 12 months. Higher penalty amounts are charged, for a longer period, where the taxpayer has incurred a late-filing penalty within the past three years. In all cases, no matter what the circumstances, the right answer is to file one’s tax return on time. This year, for most taxpayers, that means filing on or before Monday May 1, 2023. For self-employed taxpayers (and their spouses) the filing deadline is Thursday June 15, 2023. However, for all taxpayers, the payment deadline for all 2022 income tax amounts owed is Monday May 1, 2023.

                Detailed information on the options available to taxpayers who can’t pay their taxes on time and in full can be found on the CRA website at

                Avoiding (or minimizing) the OAS clawback (April 2023)

                April 18, 2023

                There are a number of income sources available to Canadians in retirement. Those who participated in the work force during their adult life will have contributed to the Canada Pension Plan and will be able to receive CPP retirement benefits as early as age 60. Earning employment or self-employment income will also have entitled those individuals to contribute to a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP). A shrinking minority of Canadians will be able to look forward to receiving benefits from an employer-sponsored pension plan.

                Each of those income sources requires that an individual have made contributions during his or her working life in order to enjoy benefits in retirement. The fourth major source of retirement income for Canadians – the Old Age Security program – does not. Entitlement to OAS is based solely on the number of years of Canadian residence, and individuals who are resident in Canada for 40 years after the age of 18 can receive full OAS benefits. As of the first quarter of 2023, the full OAS benefit for individuals under the age of 75 is $687.56 per month.

                The OAS program is distinct from other sources of retirement income in another, less welcome way, in that it is the only such income source for which the federal government can require repayment by the recipient. That repayment requirement comes about through the OAS “Recovery Tax”, which is universally known as the OAS “clawback”.

                While the rules governing the administration of the clawback can be confusing, the concept is a (relatively) simple one. Anyone who received OAS benefits during 2022 and had income for that year of more than $81,761 must repay a portion of the benefits received. That repayment, or clawback, is administered by reducing the amount of OAS benefits which the individual receives during the next benefit year.

                For example, an individual who receives full OAS during 2022 and has net income for the year of $95,000 will be subject to the clawback. He or she must repay OAS amounts received at a rate of 15 cents (or 15%) of every dollar of income over the clawback income threshold, as in the following simplified example:

                Total OAS benefit for the year: $8,200

                Total income for the year: $95,000

                OAS income clawback threshold: $81,761

                Income over clawback threshold: $13,239 times 15% = $1,985.85

                Repayment amount required: $1,985.85

                The federal government becomes aware of an individual’s income for 2022 only once the tax return for that year is filed, usually by May 1, 2023.  At that time, it will become apparent that $1,985.85 in OAS benefits received must be repaid. Consequently, in the following benefit year (which will run from July 2023 to June 2024), OAS benefits received will be reduced by $165.48 per month ($1,985 divided by 12 months).

                The OAS clawback affects only individuals who have an annual income of at least $81,761, and it’s arguable that at such income levels, the clawback requirement does not impose any real financial hardship. Nonetheless, the OAS clawback is a perpetual irritant to those affected, perhaps because of the sense that they are being penalized for being disciplined savers, or good managers of their finances during their working years, in order to ensure a financially comfortable retirement.

                While any sense of grievance can’t alter the reality of the OAS clawback, there are strategies which can be put in place to either minimize or, in some cases, entirely eliminate one’s exposure to that clawback. Some of those planning considerations are better addressed earlier in life, prior to retirement, However, it’s not too late, once one is already receiving OAS, to make arrangements to avoid or minimize the clawback.

                In all cases, no matter what strategy is employed, the goal is to “smooth” one’s income from year to year, so that net income for each year comes in under the OAS clawback threshold and, not incidentally, minimizes exposure to the higher federal and provincial income tax rates which apply once income exceeds around $100,000.

                The starting point, for taxpayers who are approaching retirement, is to determine how much income will be received from all sources during retirement, based on CPP and OAS entitlement, any savings accrued through an RRSP, and any amounts which may be received from a private pension plan. Anyone who has an RRSP must begin receiving income from that RRSP in the year after that person turns 71. However, it’s possible to begin receiving income from an RRSP at any time. Similarly, an individual who is eligible for CPP retirement benefits can begin receiving those benefits anytime between age 60 and age 70, with the amount of monthly benefit receivable increasing with each month receipt is deferred. The same calculation applies to OAS benefits, which can be received as early as age 65 or deferred up until age 70.

                Once the amount of annual income is determined, strategies to smooth out that income can be put in place. Those strategies can include receiving income from an RRSP prior to age 71, so as to reduce the total amount within the RRSP and so thereby reduce the likelihood of having a large “bump” in income when required withdrawals kick in at that time.

                Taxpayers are sometimes understandably reluctant to take steps which they view as depleting their RRSP savings, but receiving income from an RRSP doesn’t mean spending that income. While tax has to be paid on any withdrawals (no matter what the taxpayer’s age), the after-tax amounts can be contributed to the taxpayer’s tax-free savings account (TFSA), where they can compound free of tax. And, when the taxpayer has need of those funds, in retirement, they can be withdrawn free of tax and, they won’t count as income for purposes of the OAS clawback.

                Taxpayers who are married can also “even out” their income by using pension income splitting, so that neither of them has sufficient income to be affected by the clawback.  Using pension income splitting, the spouse who has income over the OAS clawback threshold re-allocates the “excess” income to his or her spouse on the annual return, and that income is then considered to be income of the recipient spouse, for purposes of both income tax and the OAS clawback. To be eligible for pension income splitting, the income to be reallocated must be private pension income, which is generally income from an RRSP or registered retirement income fund (RRIF), or from an employer-sponsored pension plan.

                There are two reasons why pension income splitting is a particularly attractive strategy for avoiding or minimizing the OAS clawback. First, there is no need to actually change the source or amount of income received by each spouse, as the reallocation of income is “notional”, existing only in the return for the year. Second, no decision has to be made on pension income splitting until it’s time to file the return for the previous year, meaning that spouses can easily calculate exactly how much income has to be reallocated in order to avoid the clawback, and to reduce tax liability generally. More information on the kinds of income eligible for pension income splitting, and the mechanics of the process, can be found on the CRA website at

                Detailed information on the OAS clawback  is available at

                Federal government announces OAS payment amounts for second quarter of 2023

                April 6, 2023

                Old Age Security (OAS) benefits paid monthly to eligible Canadians are indexed to inflation on a quarterly basis, meaning that such benefit amounts increase to reflect that indexing at the beginning of each calendar quarter.

                The federal government has announced the full OAS benefit amounts which will be paid during the second quarter of 2023 (April to June). Such benefit amounts will be indexed by 0.5%, meaning that the full monthly benefit for recipients under the age of 75 will be $691.00. Individuals aged 75 and older will receive $760.10.

                Details of OAS and Guaranteed Income Supplement amounts which will be paid during the second quarter of 2023 can be found on the federal government website at

                Penalty and interest waiver available for Underused Housing Tax returns

                April 6, 2023

                The federal government imposes a 1% annual Underused Housing Tax (UHT) on the ownership of vacant or underused housing in Canada. While the tax usually applies to non-resident, non-Canadian owners it can, in some situations, also apply to Canadian individuals and corporations. Those subject to the UHT are required to file a return for that tax for each property owned on December 31, 2022, and that return is due on or before April 30, 2023.

                The Canada Revenue Agency has announced that, as a transitional measure, it will be providing a waiver of any penalties and interest with respect to UHT for the 2022 calendar year. This transitional relief means that although the deadline for filing the UHT return and paying the UHT payable is still April 30, 2023, no penalties or interest will be applied for UHT returns and payments that the CRA receives before November 1, 2023.

                More information on the UHT can be found on the CRA website at, and the announcement of the transitional relief measures can be found on the same website at Underused Housing Tax penalties and interest waived –

                About Expert Fiscaliste Tax Preparation

                Maximize your tax refund this year with Expert Fiscaliste tax services for your T1 and TP-1 2022 Income Tax Returns, call or text us at 514-954-9031 or send us a email or visit our web site.  In addition, we offer an important advantage with CRA and Revénu Quebec being your Authorized Representative for all taxation years.  We also provide a secure portal to securely share documents, data and reports.  Contact us now at 514-954-9031, we are accepting new 2022 clients for a limited time.

                2023 March Tax news

                Table of Contents

                  Prescribed interest rates for first half of 2023

                  March 31, 2023

                  The Canada Revenue Agency has announced the interest rates which will apply to amounts owed to and by the Agency for the first half of 2023, as well as the rates that will apply for the purpose of calculating employee and shareholder taxable benefits.

                                                       Debit rate          Credit rate       Shareholder Benefits

                  January 1 – March 31          8%                  4%/6%                    4%

                  April 1 – June 30                 9%                  5%/7%                    5%

                  Additional details of interest rates charged and paid by the Canada Revenue Agency can be found on the CRA website at

                  CRA resumes debt collection activities

                  March 31, 2023

                  Where the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) owes an amount to the taxpayer (such as a tax refund), the Agency has the right to deduct from that amount any debts owed by the taxpayer to the federal government (including debts related to pandemic benefits). Taking such offsetting deductions was in previous years part of the Agency’s debt collection processes.

                  In 2020 the CRA suspended that particular debt collection practice, in recognition of the difficult financial circumstances faced by many taxpayers during the pandemic. In a recent Tax Tip, however, the Agency confirmed that where a taxpayer owes money to the federal government, his or her tax refund for the 2022 tax year (as well as most other amounts owed to the taxpayer by the Agency) may be reduced by the amount of such debts.

                  Details of the CRA’s debt collection policies, including some limited exceptions, are outlined in the Tax Tip, which is available on the CRA website at

                  Federal Budget 2023

                  March 29, 2023

                  More information can be found on Government of Canada web site Budget 2023 — A Made-in-Canada Plan: Strong Middle Class, Affordable Economy, Healthy Future

                  Deduction for Tradespeople’s Tool Expenses

                  Budget 2023 proposes to double the maximum employment deduction for tradespeople’s and apprentice mechanics’ tools from $500 to $1,000, effective for 2023 and subsequent taxation years.

                  Registered Education Savings Plans

                  Budget 2023 proposes to increase limits on certain RESP withdrawals from $5,000 to $8,000 for full-time students, and from $2,500 to $4,000 for part-time students. Budget 2023 also proposes to allow divorced or separated parents to open a joint RESP for their children. These changes would come into force on March 28, 2023.

                  Registered Disability Savings Plans

                  Budget 2023 proposes to extend the qualifying family member measure (which allows a family member to open an RDSP for an adult relative) by three years, to December 31, 2026. Siblings will also be qualified family members, as of Royal Assent.

                  Strengthening the Intergenerational Business Transfer Framework

                  Budget 2023 proposes to amend the rules introduced by Bill C-208 to ensure that they apply only where a genuine intergenerational business transfer takes place. To provide flexibility, it is proposed that taxpayers who wish to undertake a genuine intergenerational share transfer may choose to rely on one of two transfer options:

                  • an immediate intergenerational business transfer (three-year test) based on arm’s length sale terms; or
                  • a gradual intergenerational business transfer (five-to-ten-year test) based on traditional estate freeze characteristics (an estate freeze typically involves a parent crystalizing the value of their economic interest in a corporation to allow future growth to accrue to their children while the parent’s fixed economic interest is then gradually diminished by the corporation repurchasing the parent’s interest).

                  Budget 2023 also proposes to provide a ten-year capital gains reserve for genuine intergenerational share transfers that satisfy the above proposed conditions.

                  These measures would apply to transactions that occur on or after January 1, 2024.

                  General Anti-Avoidance Rule (“GAAR”)

                  Budget 2023 proposes to amend the GAAR by:

                  • introducing a preamble;
                  • changing the avoidance transaction standard;
                  • introducing an economic substance rule;
                  • introducing a penalty; and
                  • extending the reassessment period in certain circumstances.

                  Alcohol Excise Duty

                  Budget 2023 proposes to temporarily cap the inflation adjustment for excise duties on beer, spirits, and wine at two per cent, for one year only, as of April 1, 2023. The excise duty rates on all alcoholic beverage products as of April 1, 2023, are presented in the table below.

                  Proposed Alcohol Excise Duty Rates as of April 1, 2023

                                Rates 2022-23   Rates 2023-24 (no cap)    Rates 2023-24 (2% adjust)

                  Spirits        $13.042                   $13.864                                   $13.303

                  Wine          $0.688                      $0.731                                    $0.702

                  Beer          $34.820                   $37.014                                    $35.516

                  Inflation rate for February 2023 at 5.2%

                  March 25, 2023

                  The most recent release of Statistics Canada’s Consumer Price Index puts the overall rate of inflation for the month of February 2023 at 5.2%, as compared to the 5.9% rate recorded for January. Both rates are as measured on a year-over-year basis.

                  The impact on consumers of price increases in essential goods was mixed. The price of gasoline declined by 4.7%, the first such yearly decline recorded since January of 2021. However, the cost of food purchased from stores rose 10.6% in February (as measured on a year-over-year basis) which, as noted by StatsCan, marked the seventh consecutive month of double-digit increases in food prices.

                  Details of the inflation picture for the month, by index component and by province, can be found in the March release of the Consumer Price Index, which is available on the StatsCan website at

                  Quebec Budget 2022-2023

                  March 22, 2022

                  More information can be found on Revenu Quebec web site Budget 2022-2023, Ministère des Finances – Page d’accueil (

                  Investment income

                  March 19, 2023

                  Interest income and foreign dividends from securities is fully taxable, capital gains get preferential tax treatment and is 50% taxable, and Canadian dividends also get preferential tax treatment and get a dividend tax credit. The actual tax rate on investment income is based on your tax bracket.

                  More information can be found on CRA web site Investment income –

                  More information can be found on Revenu Quebec web site Line 130 – Interest and other investment income | Revenu Québec (

                  April 1 launch of Tax-Free First Home Savings Account program

                  March 17, 2023

                  As part of the 2022 Federal Budget, the federal government introduced the Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA). The FHSA allows eligible taxpayers to contribute $8,000 per year (to a lifetime maximum of $40,000), and to deduct contributions made from income. Where accumulated contributions are withdrawn and used to purchase a home, no tax is payable on the withdrawal.

                  Deductions for contributions to an FHSA can be made starting with the 2023 tax year, and it will be possible to set up such plans with a Canadian financial institution as of April 1, 2023. The most recent information posted on the new FHSA can be found on the Finance Canada website at

                  Date announced for 2023-24 Federal Budget

                  March 17, 2023

                  The Minister of Finance has announced that the 2023-24 Federal Budget will be brought down on Tuesday March 28, 2023, at around 4 p.m. EST. The media release providing the budget date can be found on the Finance Canada website at Government of Canada to release Budget on March 28, 2023 –

                  Once the budget measures are announced, the budget papers will be made available on the same website at Federal Budget –

                  Seniors Tax Benefits

                  March 17, 2023

                  Quebec Residents

                  • What tax credits are there for people 60 or over, 65 or over or 70 or over? There are a number of tax benefits based on your age at the end of the year. For example:
                    • Once you turn 60, you can claim the tax credit for career extension if you earned eligible work income.Once you turn 65, you may be eligible for:
                      • the age amountthe deduction for retirement income transferred to a spousethe grant for seniors to offset a municipal tax increase
                      Once you turn 70, you can claim the following refundable tax credits:
                      • the tax credit for home-support services for seniorsthe independent living tax credit for seniorsthe senior assistance tax creditthe tax credit for seniors’ activities (the registration fees must have been paid before December 31, 2022)
                    Note that conditions apply for all these tax benefits.


                  Underused Housing Tax

                  March 10, 2023

                  The Underused Housing Tax is an annual 1% tax on the ownership of vacant or underused housing in Canada that took effect on January 1, 2022. The tax usually applies to non-resident, non-Canadian owners. In some situations, however, it also applies to Canadian owners.

                  Underused Housing Tax –

                  REPORTING GST AND QST

                  March 8, 2023

                  GST/HST-QST RETURN:FPZ-500-V

                  If you are a registrant, you must file a GST and a QST return for each reporting period, even if you are not entitled to a refund or have no amount payable.

                  Because the GST and QST are both administered by Revenu Québec, you can use a combined GST/HST-QST return.


                  The banks also provide a Tax Payment and Filing Service, available through Internet banking, lets you pay and file federal and provincial business taxes online

                  CRA announces meal and vehicle expense amounts claimable for 2022

                  March 3, 2023

                  Taxpayers are entitled to make a claim on their annual return for costs incurred in certain circumstances for meal costs and vehicle expenses. Such costs may, for instance, be claimable by individuals who moved during the year, or who had to travel in order to obtain medical care.

                  There are two methods by which eligible meal and vehicle expense claims may be calculated – the simplified (or flat-rate) method, and the detailed method, which uses actual costs incurred.

                  Under either method, the amounts which may be claimed are subject to specific limits, which in some cases vary by province. The amounts which may be claimed on the income tax return for 2022 were recently posted on the Canada Revenue Agency website, and can be found at Meal and vehicle rates used to calculate travel expenses for 2022 –

                  About Expert Fiscaliste Tax Preparation

                  Maximize your tax refund this year with Expert Fiscaliste tax services for your T1 and TP-1 2022 Income Tax Returns, call or text us at 514-954-9031 or send us a email or visit our web site.  In addition, we offer an important advantage with CRA and Revénu Quebec being your Authorized Representative for all taxation years.  We also provide a secure portal to securely share documents, data and reports.  Contact us now at 514-954-9031, we are accepting new 2022 clients for a limited time.

                  2023 February Tax News

                  Table of Contents

                    CRA announces payment deadline for 2022 tax balances

                    February 17, 2023

                    The Canada Revenue Agency has announced that the tax payment deadline for individual income taxes owed for the 2022 tax year will be Monday May 1, 2023. While the payment deadline is usually April 30, an extension to May 1 is provided by the CRA where, as is the case this year, the April 30 deadline falls on a weekend.

                    The May 1 payment deadline applies to all individual taxpayers, regardless of the date by which taxpayers must file their returns for 2022.

                    The CRA announcement of the payment deadline can be found on the Agency’s website at

                    Planning for the new First Home Savings Account

                    February 17, 2023

                    Just about a year ago, in the 2022-23 budget, the federal government announced a number of measures to help Canadians who are trying to put together a down payment for the purchase a first home. The most significant of those measures was the Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA) which, as the name implies, allows first time home buyers to save on a tax-assisted basis (within prescribed limits) toward such a purchase.

                    The FHSA is available to eligible taxpayers starting in the current (2023) tax year. Due to the administrative requirements of putting the new FHSA in place, it will not actually be possible to open such a plan until April 1, 2023. Notwithstanding, Finance Canada has indicated that, for the 2023 tax year, full year contribution limits will apply, regardless of when a new plan is opened during the year.

                    Under the program terms, any resident of Canada who is at least 18 years of age and who has not lived in a home which he or she owns in any of the current or four previous years can open an FHSA and contribute to that plan annually. Planholders will be able to contribute up to $8,000 per year to their plan, regardless of their income for that year. The $8,000 per year contribution must be made by the end of the calendar year, but planholders will be permitted to carry forward unused portions of their annual contribution limit, to a maximum of $8,000. For example, an individual who contributes $4,000 to an FHSA in 2023 would be allowed to contribute $12,000 in 2024 (representing $8,000 in contribution for 2024 plus $4,000 remaining from 2023). Regardless of the schedule on which contributions are made, there is a lifetime limit of $40,000 in contributions for each individual.

                    How to respond to a tax instalment notice

                    February 17, 2023

                    Sometime during the month of February, millions of Canadians will receive mail from the Canada Revenue Agency. That mail, a “Tax Instalment Reminder”, will set out the amount of instalment payments of income tax to be paid by the recipient taxpayer by March 15 and June 15 of this year.

                    The CRA’s decision to send an Instalment Reminder to certain taxpayers isn’t an arbitrary one. Rather, an Instalment Reminder is generated when sufficient income tax has not been deducted from payments made to that taxpayer throughout the year. Put more technically, an Instalment Reminder will be issued by the CRA where the amount of tax which was or will be owed when filing the annual tax return is more than $3,000 in the current (2023) tax year and either of the two previous (2021 or 2022) tax years. Essentially, the requirement to pay by instalments will be triggered where the amount of tax withheld from the taxpayer’s income throughout the year is at least $3,000 less than their total tax owed for 2023 and either 2021 or 2022. For residents of Québec, that threshold amount is $1,800.

                    CRA announces individual tax filing deadline for 2022 returns

                    February 11, 2023

                    The Canada Revenue Agency has announced that the filing deadline for individual income tax returns for the 2022 tax year will be Monday May 1, 2023. While the filing deadline is usually April 30, an extension to May 1 is provided by the CRA where, as is the case this year, the April 30 deadline falls on a Sunday.

                    The May 1 deadline does not apply to self-employed individuals and their spouses, who must file their return for 2022 on or before Thursday June 15, 2023.

                    The CRA announcement of the filing deadlines can be found on the Agency’s website at

                    March 1, 2023 deadline for making RRSP contributions for 2022

                    February 11, 2023

                    The Canada Revenue Agency has announced that the deadline for making registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) contributions which can be deducted on the return for the 2022 tax year will be Wednesday March 1, 2023.

                    The CRA announcement of the contribution deadline can be found on the Agency’s website at Due dates and payment dates – Personal income tax –, and detailed information on contributing to an RRSP is available on the same website at

                    CRA issues individual income tax return package for 2022

                    February 3, 2023

                    The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has issued the tax package to be used for the filing of individual income tax returns for the 2022 tax year. That package, which includes both the income tax return and the guide, can be found on the CRA website at

                    Individuals who do not wish to download the tax package from the website can order hard copy to be sent to them by mail. Such orders can be placed online at or by calling the CRA at 1-855-330-3305 (automated service) or 1-800-959 8281 (to reach a customer service agent).

                    NETFILE service for 2022 returns available February 20

                    February 3, 2023

                    The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has announced that its NETFILE service for filing of federal individual income tax returns for the 2022 tax year will be available on Monday February 20, 2023.

                    Information on eligibility for NETFILE and how to use the service can be found on the CRA website at The announcement of the NETFILE opening date for the 2023 tax filing season is available on the same website at Want to avoid delays at tax time? Use our digital services! –

                    About Expert Fiscaliste Tax Preparation

                    Maximize your tax refund this year with Expert Fiscaliste tax services for your T1 and TP-1 2022 Income Tax Returns, call or text us at 514-954-9031 or send us a email or visit our web site.  In addition, we offer an important advantage with CRA and Revénu Quebec being your Authorized Representative for all taxation years.  We also provide a secure portal to securely share documents, data and reports.  Contact us now at 514-954-9031, we are accepting new 2022 clients for a limited time.

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