What’s New for Families

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Whas new for families
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What’s New for Families

    1. Universal child care benefit (UCCB) – The UCCB has
      increased to $160 per month for each qualified dependant under 6 years of age and there is a new benefit of $60 per month for each qualified dependant aged 6 through 17.
    2. Child care expenses – The maximum limit per child has increased by $1,000.
    3. Family caregiver amount for children under 18 years of age – The amount for children under 18 years of age has been eliminated and replaced by the enhanced universal child care benefit.
    4. Family tax cut – For 2014 and later years, the calculation for the family tax cut has been revised to allow unused tuition, education, and textbook amounts transferred from a spouse or common-law partner.
    5. Children’s fitness tax credit – The children’s fitness tax credit is now a refundable credit.

Author: will

30+ year tax professional preparing individual tax returns for Canadians and non-residents of Canada.

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